15 September 2009

A Photo Book

(Apologies: some of the lettering is harder to read on the screen than on the printed photos.)


  1. Wonderful story! Thrills, mystery, adventure, danger, triumph... all the elements for a great tale. (I'm scared of heights so parts were a little terrifying for me but I kept going to the end.)

  2. Spring! How lovely, and an awesome mountaintop experience for Nat and Dad together. Love it.

  3. What a memorable adventure! And a gorgeous day to partake of a good climb!

  4. Very cool! I love how you wrote it from his point of view.

  5. That's gorgeous!
    Glad Nat & Mr deE had a nice time :)

  6. So my 4 year old nephew has climbed Tabletop Mountain and I haven't, despite living in view of it for 18 years.

    I'd better scrabble up it one day to salvage my pride...

  7. Love it! Next time you and the others can do it too!!! That would be an adventure, Mummy ;)


Thanks for picking up a ukulele and taking a potshot!