01 September 2009

Oh where is my hairbrush?

Finally! The video I have been wanting to capture and desperate to edit for your enjoyment:

Anna-Lucia singing "The Hairbrush Song" from Veggie Tales.

Many of you would know the original, but some may not. Here it is - this time sung by an animated cucumber.


  1. I have tears of joy in my eyes watching her sing this song. That is the sweetest singing. Thanks for posting it for us. I wouldn't have wanted to miss that. I haven't heard the Where is My Hairbrush song in so long. One of my favorite Veggie Tale songs.
    She's beautiful.


  2. Oh THAT was absolutely positively GORGEOUS!!!! She is so cute! IT was definaelty worth the wait!

  3. Hayden, Jeff and I very much enjoyed Anna's song. Hayden giggled and said that 'she is so cute'. And he is right.

  4. oohhhh she's sooooooo beautiful!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! haha just so cute! :) :)

  5. I LOVE IT!! That is so cute. As soon as I saw the title of your post I thought, "Ooh... Veggie Tales!" I would have been seriously disappointed if it had been a mundane post about losing your actual hairbrush.

  6. Oh, how cute, CUTE! I love silly songs with Larry, and they are even better with Ann- Lucia's interpretation!

  7. FANTASTIC! So very glad that this was the first post in my overstuffed blog reader (well over 100 posts to read that I missed while on vacation!) to look at this morning.

    I've got footage of my kiddo doing the same song at around the same age, only singing it into a window fan for extra vibrato, of course. If I find it I will give you the link so we can work out the details of our would-totally-be-a-hit, international duo of Daughters Who Cover the VeggieTales. :D xo

  8. So cute! I love how she's just SLIGHTLY behind the song.

    And why does a cucumber need a hairbrush anyway? (Maybe I should have watched the original video in case it tells us. Nah.)

  9. It took half an hour to fully buffer with our wonderful diallup, but it was great! I love her dancing and her "window".

  10. Oh, my loves. May I please come and live with you all? I need some of this in my life!


Thanks for picking up a ukulele and taking a potshot!