12 September 2009

How many more people ...

... will use the term "good baby" to mean "a baby who doesn't cry" before I stab someone in the eye with a fork?

Today's blog post was brought to you by tiredness, over-busyness, badly-behaved children, and getting hit very hard on the head by a heavy serving plate falling from the top shelf of my cupboard.


  1. I was going to write a sarcastic comment but given the circumstances that lead to you blog post I have re-considered.

    I hope your head feels better soon and that people choose more appropriate adjectives when they talk about babies around you :)

  2. Ouch! That had had to hurt.

  3. My grandmother uses that term all the time. Didn't know they did that in Australia too.
    So sorry about the knock on the head. Glad you're still conscience.


  4. People who do that make me upset too. What if the baby cries and therefore is "bad?" What are you going to do--send the baby back?

    Sorry you had a rough day and a knock on the head, too.

  5. Seriously? Aussies do that too? Good thing I didn't run away to Australia to get away from people saying that to me. I considered it. ;-)

    Ouch! Hope you get some good rest this week.

  6. I suggest stabbing someone in the eye sooner rather than later. I think you'll find that far fewer people will use the term 'good baby' afterwards. Why wait until you're on the edge? Do the stabbing now while you can enjoy it...

    In other news... I'm sorry about the tiredness, busyness, rambunctious children and the serving plate injury. I hope you're feeling brighter, more awake and less bruised soon. xx

  7. Bummer about the plate.

    About the baby descriptions - I prefer the term our mother uses to describe chubby little bald babies who don't cry.

    You know the term I mean. Dare we tell everyone? It's sure to offend half your readers...

  8. I have always thought that the "good baby" comment was wierd. Aren't ALL babies good?!

    Sorry about your head :(

    Twas nice to see you & Joseph today :)

  9. owww !! and usually they mean the good baby with the dummy stuffed in their wee mouths 24 7 .... off to catch up with you - have been thinking about you and hoping all was well - hugs le

  10. I think I've got a line on what your sister is saying your mother calls certain babies. I dare ya.

  11. Dare YOU to put it out there, Sass! I wasn't going to bring it up. My sister on the other hand has no shame.

  12. We used to refer to my non-crying nephew as a Stepford Baby...

  13. I like "Stepford Baby" better. Good one, Femina!

    And I don't see how Sassy could guess Mum's "Good Baby" term. It's not particularly rude or offensive, just a little comtemptuous...

    You be whoever you've gotta be, Joseph!

  14. I shall be Jekyll & Hyde. I've given Mum some really great days and nights, so I decided to mix it up and have a shocker last night. It's all because of a big nappy I'm working on. JSJ.

  15. Gosh I am hearing you! In fact I wrote a post on this very thing...your feelings might be a little different given this is number 3 and you're more experienced but these were my reflections...


Thanks for picking up a ukulele and taking a potshot!