05 September 2009

Flash Forward

Sometimes you get the feeling you've just seen through a window to 15 years into your future.

Like when your two-year-old boy (2 yrs ago) is standing on the driver's seat of the car, 'driving' somewhere. And you get a weird thought: Flash-Forward 15 years ... oh dear.

Or when your two-year-old girl races around with a doll's stroller saying, "I'm going now! I need some money!" Flash-Forward 15 years ... oh dear.


  1. hehe

    yeah I am sure the years will fly by and before you know it they will be driving and hopefully eventually earning money themselves.

  2. 15 years? You anticipate Anna-Lucia is going to be pushing a stroller at 17???

  3. She could almost pass for 17 now with her movie star glamour.

  4. I had a flash forward the other week when my bride friend's son was introducing Ella to the other kids in the playground as his girlfriend!!!!

  5. I'm 32 years old, and I would kill for someone to dress me like that! To heck with her growing up; may I grown down and come live with you?

  6. Peanut has recently decided that boy bits are very gross. "Ewww! A doodle! They so ylucky. Ylucky doodles, ew, gross..."

    I hope that lasts 15 years or more...

  7. This is so funny b/c I have a little girl doing the same thing.


Thanks for picking up a ukulele and taking a potshot!