20 September 2009

A Carnival!

Time for the annual Carnival Of Flowers! I haven't seen the parade since I was small. Now I have small ones of my own, so it was time to go again.

My Grandma, Aunty, and me with my three children. Can you see Joseph?

Nat and Anna were wowed by the things you can see in a parade. It's not every day you see things like these ambling down Herries Street.

The usual carnival stuff: pipe bands ...

Cheerleaders ...

and mounted police. Followed by minions with pooper scoopers. I wonder which bright spark put the horses at the FRONT of the procession? And how long will it take them to realise that it would be better to put them LAST?

Belly Dancers

Weird Balloon People

A lady in a giant pineapple

The McDonalds crew in their Cadillac

And two grown men dressed as penguins.
This float proclaimed "Happy Birthday Carnival" despite that fact that the carnival has been held annually, making every carnival occur on its own birthday. Heh.

Joseph slept in Grandma's arms...

...while Anna-Lucia and Nat scrambled all over the road picking up confetti as it blew in the breeze.

"And that, Officer, was the last I saw of my children."

Oh wait. They're coming back. Sorry to have bothered you.


  1. I especially love the green stripey chairs you guys are sitting on! Now they take me back. Boy, when Mum and Dad own something (like folding chairs) they last forever.

  2. I LOVE that last photo! Those chubby little legs in full flight...

  3. I love a parade!! Looks like so much fun. Love the generations, and the hats!

  4. First I just have to say Anna is such a doll! I just love her.
    And wow what a parade.

  5. Parades are so fun. I know Nat and Anna-Lucia had fun. Love her pink shoes! Joseph is getting so big.

    Glad you all got out and had a fun family day.


  6. What a great day! And little Joseph all squashed up in there, and the other two doing race-around-race-around! Perfect.


Thanks for picking up a ukulele and taking a potshot!