27 September 2009

Bring on Camp!

This week, our family is going on a camp. Mr de Elba's work runs many holiday camping programs for youth, mainly staffed by volunteers. Ever since Nat was six months old we've tagged along with Mr de Elba, and this time I can't wait for it to start.

Going away to a campsite (we're talkin' cabins, not tents!), being served meals and taking part in great activities can break the rut of Persistently Disagreeable Behaviour (we're talkin' Nat and Anna-Lucia, not Mr de Elba.) And boy, after one week of holidays/vacation, we're in that rut pretty bad right now.

Heading off to camp will be great. If I can survive the packing, that is.

When I pack for a week away with children, I start five or six days in advance, making sure that the laundry will be up-to-date and ready to be packed on Packing Day, and that each person has at least one clean dry outfit to wear on Coming Home and Doing All the Laundry Day.

Then I make a master list of 5 little lists which represent everything you need for a week away with kids.
1. Clothing (including hats, shoes, nappies/wipes/change-mat/bags, brushes and hairbands, swimming stuff and washing liquid, pegs and a clothes airer)
2. Sleeping (portacot, wraps, sheets and blankets)
3. Bathtime (bodywash and towels)
4. Mealtime (nothing much this time, but sometimes includes pre-made frozen baby food, travel highchair, bowls, spoons, bibs, etc.)
5. Playtime (paper, pens, cars, dolls, library books)
Oh dear.

This year, I would LOVE to get into the spirit for the themed dinners on camp, but I think it's a little late to be whacking together costumes for us. Monday night: Masquerade, Tuesday night: Nanna Night, Wednesday night: Flower Power/Hippie night.

Hoping I can find some bits and pieces I can use to help the kids get into the spirit of things. I'm sure that Mr de E hasn't sourced masks and Grampa Pants yet, so I'm guessing I could sort some costumes for him too. There's my challenge for today, alongside packing those 5 lists worth of things and managing the usual Persistently Disagreeable Behaviour, which has reached fever pitch after one week of holidays which included some stuck-inside-to-get-out-of-the-dust days.

I'm not sure if there will be internet access for me this week. If so, I'll post some photos of our wonderful week, and if not, I will see you back here at Killing a Fly next Friday.

Have a good week!


  1. Sounds like fun! Hope your young'ns get adopted by some kid loving teenagers and give you a chance to breathe. Have a great time away!

  2. That sounds like so much fun (despite all the packing while dealing with Persistently Disagreeable Behavior). A change of scene is good for the kids AND their parents!

  3. have a great time at camp! talk to you soon.

  4. Have a great time! Enjoy the sun, sand and surf of our beloved Goldie. And don't forget to pack the hugabub...I'm sure it was made for just such a time as this!

  5. I love that you made a master list of your lists!

  6. Wow, sounds likes you're in for a great time! Have fun! :)

  7. I hope that you have a fabulous time!

  8. I hope that you have a fabulous time!

  9. Can't wait to hear about all the adventures. I know packing is the worst part.
    I went as a chapperone for my daughters church camp 4 years ago. I completely forgot to pack any shirts. I was shirtless. I had to get someone to drive me to Wal-mart so I could buy shirts.
    So, don't forget to pack for yourself haha.



Thanks for picking up a ukulele and taking a potshot!