24 August 2009

Everybody Loves Toilet Paper

Nat: Mum! Anna wasted the toilet paper! She's put it all over the toilet!

Me: Oh no, Did you waste the paper Anna?

Anna (thinking quickly, then grinning): And we wahfed (laughed) !!


  1. Might as well give her some tape and let her decorate her room.

    She is a quick thinker...wanting everyone to see the humor in her TP time.

    Very cute,


  2. I'm sensing a theme developing here...

  3. At least she didn't flush the whole roll down the loo.... Ella has done that a few times now!! LOL

  4. What is it about TP that is so fun for kids to play with? I don't get it.

  5. Well, as long as everyone had a good time!

  6. I can picture you walking down the hallway, stopping to survey the loo, and thinking, "That's exactly what I wanted to deal with for these next ten minutes. I was wondering how to spend that time."

  7. Your posts are hilarious! Honestly, I miss those days. Kids are just out of the box thinkers and I love- now that they're older-the funny things they do.


Thanks for picking up a ukulele and taking a potshot!