03 August 2009

Congratulations! Don't do it again, and who's the Dad?

The "Bounty Bag." Three free bags of baby-related samples, advertisers and magazines that you receive (a) at your first ante-natal appointment, (b) after the birth of your baby, and (c) when your baby is a bit bigger (I can't quite remember when.)

I'm always unreasonably excited to receive a Bounty Bag. Excited because it's full of goodies and free stuff, unreasonably because most of it's advertising rubbish that goes straight in the bin. But the free samples of nappies, cream, bodywash for the bath, baby shampoo & conditioner and powder always come in handy. When I was pregnant with Anna-Lucia, I got a 250g block of Cadbury chocolate in my Bounty Bag! Not bad, I thought.

This time, what's in there, apart from the usual?

A box of condoms. Ri-ight.

And an advertisement for DNA testing. That's right - paternity testing.



  1. The chocolate sounds great! No wonder you look forward to it every time.

    Was the DNA testing company "Who's your Daddy"? - they are constantly promoting themselves and have such a ....different..name.

  2. I got jibbed!! No chocolate EVER in a bounty bag for me!!

    BTW The 3rd bag comes from Target. I think there should be a voucher in your 2nd bag for it. (Well thats how it worked when Ella was born anyway!)

  3. I LOVE my Bounty Bag - I'm still churning through the samples, and they were giving out more at the Target toy sale. At this rate I'll never have the requirement to actually buy the full size items, lol

  4. Condoms? Excellent. Since we got pregnant on birth control, I would have asked for more chocolate! LOL.

  5. LOL!

    It's funny - when we moved in May, we had gotten a Post Office box to help with the transition between addresses. Apparently somewhere in the world, a box got ticked for "the lady of this POB must be a new mother" because I have been receiving all manner of coupons and advertisements for new baby-related things. Some of the coupons, like the ones for children's clothing stores, have been useful, but the ones for diaper cream, "Baby's First Year" photography, etc have been a waste of trees.

    I just wonder how on earth I got onto such a mailing list given that my "baby" is now a strapping six year old....

    Oh, and there's never been a package of chocolate in the POB either. Humph. *That* I could definitely use! :D

  6. I've never had a baby bag (they won't give them to you unless you've had a baby... discrimination!) but at uni we used to get a free diary every year with many pages of coupons at the back. One year I flicked through them and found, amongst the coupons for 2-for-1 hamburgers and a free coke, a coupon for discounted abortions at the local family planning clinic. I kid you not.

  7. Nice new profile pics, by the way. Has Mr de Elba gone back to anonymity on this blog? (Just wondering for commenting purposes.)

  8. Love the new pics on the sidebar de Elbas.

    OH B-R-O-T-H-E-R!
    On the content of the Bounty Bag.


  9. Wow, is that bag trying to tell you something?

    BTW, LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the new photos on the sidebar! THey are just beautiful!!!

  10. Too funny! Have times changed that much since your last baby???

  11. Oh my word!!!! NUTS! (Except for the chocolate, of course!)

  12. Can you put in Bounty Bag requests? Is there a complaint monitor? Because I'd be pushing for the chocolate.

  13. Nappies and lotion samples are all well and good, but free chocolate would have been really useful! I did quite like the snazzy new reusable shopping bag this time, though.


Thanks for picking up a ukulele and taking a potshot!