14 July 2009

You Can't Fool Me

Dear Hospital Staff,

I am writing to comment on the name you have given your department that handles the bookings for non-emergency surgery.

"Theatre Bookings Office."

Well done - you've made it sound like I'm off for a night at the opera. Pity, but naming it the "Theatre Bookings Office" doesn't quite make me forget that I am not off for a night at the opera, but in fact I will be flat on my back with my guts, complete with maverick placenta, open for display. Good try though.


Givinya de Elba.


  1. Must say, I'd definitely rather book my tickets to the opening day showing of the new Harry Potter movie, than your particular matinee...


  2. After the blood and stuff is done, I plan to thank them all for being a great audience. To keep with the atmosphere of The Theatre.

  3. And seriously, could they keep the drama to a minimum?

  4. Just remember to thank the Academy.

  5. I guess it is theatre depending which end your on.
    Give 'em a good show!


    P.S. I had my first daughter in a teaching hospital. I felt like every wannabe doctor and nurse came in to take their turn to check on things. It felt like a theatre.

  6. Presumably it's an arcane reference to when they called it the "operating theatre". Which, I must admit I've never understood. Why is it that hospitals (the place you'd hope be ruled by logic) seem to have the most confusing departments and the largest amount of red tape?

    Anyway, been keeping up with your whole saga and please know I too will keep you and Thingamababy in my prayers...

  7. Wow, you guys in Aus make it all sounds so civilized. :) Will you have to dress up? LOL!

  8. I don't know, that whole guts show sounds like fairly typical post-modern theatre to me. :)

    I just wanted to quickly point out too what a great job you've done to bring Thingamababy so far. By the time you have your baby (challenges notwithstanding) you will both be in a really good position to go forward in health and (as you recover) happiness.

  9. So I guess I shouldn't ask if I can watch???

    Hallie :)

  10. Oh come on, at what theatre can you get your guts put on your chest? If that is not drama, I don't know what is.

    Did I say to much?

  11. HAHA Very much worth blogging about!

  12. That sounds like permission to carry on like a Prima Donna drama queen to me. Let 'em have it.


Thanks for picking up a ukulele and taking a potshot!