29 July 2009

Wordless Wednesday - I love a good warm shower


  1. That is gorgeous and made me cry happy tears. (And the photo is nicely cropped... because Killing a Fly isn't THAT kind of blog!)

  2. Aww... look at his tiny feet! Is he ASLEEP?

  3. That is so so beautiful. You make me miss my husband!

  4. Joseph was FAST asleep. He wasn't though once we took him out of the shower.

  5. Awwwwwww!

    Those teeny, tiny toe niblets are melting me. So, so, sweet.

    This is like one of those Anne Geddes shots, except with potential for some much more explicitness should the photog not crop verrrry carefully. :D

    We never thought to bring Kiddo into the shower at that age. At that point, she was still tiny enough that we were bathing her in one of those tiny, rectangular plastic basins they give you for catching bodily emissions at the hospital. I think we also were still quite afraid that we would, somehow, manage to Break the Baby...

  6. Yes, you do worry that you will Break the Baby, I understand that. Once I realised that you can shower with a baby, we stopped bathing our kids so much. They usually come in the shwoer with us. They love it. I wrote about how I shower with a baby here. Always worth re-reading it, as it contains the story of how I flashed my Naked Self at a Church Camp.

  7. This is a priceless photo and I have to tell you, it is such an intimate family shot, I nearly had to look away. It absolutely melts my heart.

    Nana Tantrum

  8. Geez. You really don't have to worry. For the photo Mr de Elba was wearing swimming trunks. And some trackpants over the top. And some skiing gear over the top of that. And a space suit on top.


  9. Your remark above just cracked me up. Mr. deElba was prepared. He knows his wife too well to trust her with a camera and a shower scene. :)

    Anyway, that is sooo precious. I love how he slept right thru it.
    I never showered with mine when they were babies. Wish I had.
    But that was like the only time I had to myself, so I guess I was a little selfish with it.


  10. I too love a good warm shower. You know I never thought how a baby would like a shower. Good to know.

  11. That is just the picture of contentment. Even though my husband loves his long warm showers, we never thought to take the kids in at that age. Mr. Blue still gets in with his daddy, though! (Miss Pink also likes showers better than baths.)

  12. We love bubby showers here too! Great bonding time :)

    He (I refer to Joseph) is so scrummy!!

  13. Such an absolutely amazing post. From tears to pure joy, I think I must have run the gambit of emotions.

    What fun it is to discover your site. I noticed that your daughter's name is Anna-Lucia. You have very good taste!

    My daughter's name is Lucia. :)



Thanks for picking up a ukulele and taking a potshot!