24 July 2009

What's wrong with this picture?

I was most amused to receive a little booklet at my 36 week visit which trumpeted the benefits of breastfeeding and included the funniest picture I've seen for a while.

I post this picture and dedicate it to my good friend, Swift Jan, whose little babe is due in the first week of September and who is committed to being a bridesmaid for her friend a short fortnight later.

Can you imagine? Do you see what this mother is wearing? And where is her giant structurally engineered maternity bra? And where are her pads to soak up the milk? And will she leak into that fabulous gown down to her knees or just down to the waistline?

Humm. Good luck, Swift Jan.


  1. I'll believe that this is hilarious for those who have kids. I thought is was sweet, in a weird kind of who-wants-a-photo-of-themselves-breastfeeding kind of way.

  2. LMAO
    Oh goodness, now I am all nervous! What am I getting myself into?!!! LOL

  3. P.S Unfortunately my boobs aren't that "pretty" LOL

  4. A woman can dream can't she.

    That is a pretty interesting scenario to put in the breastfeeding booklet.

    Atleast she wasn't the bride!

  5. Hey, My sister leaked all over my wedding. We got it. Her baby was about 10 weeks old.

  6. Hope all babies are banned from the ceremony. One cry from any random baby would have sent me leaking to the knees.

    Wow, they didn't remove your uterus OR your sense of humor! You must be doing pretty well. Let us know how you are one of these times, ok?

  7. A bridesmaid dress that is great for nursing moms... I bet that is a strong selling point. LOL.

  8. Strangest breat feeding picture I've ever seen. I was not nearly as gracefull.

    Congrats on your new little one!

  9. Wow, that's one interesting photo. Makes breastfeeding look quite effortless and, well, glamorous. If only!

    Hope you are doing well and so great to see you release your real self into the great wide web, Kate!

    Can't wait to hear about Thing. ;)

  10. Oh my goodness, you make me feel so guilty! I never even thought of the difficulties breastfeeding in a bridesmaid dress when I made my best-friend-and-new-Mum wear this: http://www.flickr.com/photos/jufemaiz/3097065423/in/set-72157610802038276/
    (she's the one on the left)
    And the sweet thing never even complained. I'll call her now and apologise.

  11. Duh.............those who have "been there" are in the know.

    Others are just enjoying a picture of a model with a baby fighting her away....

  12. My sister was a MoH for a friend of hers who got married 5 weeks after my nephew was born. Not only was the wedding 5 weeks after she gave birth, but it was a "destination" wedding - it was in the Bahamas, on the beach, in the summer. The bridesmaids' outfit was this "handkerchief halter" style top over a short, filmy skirt. It was palest pink. (Never mind that my sister could barely manage a fitting, being obscenely pregnant as she was at the time.) The top was meant to be worn braless (methinks it was a style meant more for a perkier, younger type bridesmaid than a 33 year old mother of two type bridesmaid) and didn't have much material there under which one could hide a bra.

    My sister invested in some nude-colored Spanx and some of those "stick on" bra cup thingies, had the top altered at the last possible moment, and hoped for the best.

    They did pictures before the ceremony. Everything underneath her outfit (she said the top almost looked like a midriff-baring bib, which it wasn't supposed to, obviously) rolled down or up, shifted or came unstuck during the pictures - did I mention this was a beachfront wedding in the middle of the afternoon in the Caribbean in the summer? There was sweat involved, to be sure - and my sister wound up having to change into an entirely different outfit before the ceremony. Then she started leaking halfway through, and was SO glad she'd changed so that at least she had a nursing bra with pads on.

    It was the worst wedding she'd ever been a part of, sad to say. She didn't even enjoy the trip to the Bahamas.

    For me, the worst bridesmaid thing I ever had to deal with was my best friend's wedding, for which she insisted all of us bridesmaids wear "strappy, silver sandals" with heels - I called them my Hooker Heels. They might look cute, strappy and summery on a smaller foot, but not in a size 10! The shoes were killing me by the time the ceremony was over and I wound up changing them for my trusty old Birkenstock sandals for the reception. (The bride didn't mind.) :)

    Ah, memories......

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. Nope, that never would have worked when I was nursing!


Thanks for picking up a ukulele and taking a potshot!