17 July 2009

Time Capsule

There's a time capsule beside my desk. The List Of Things To Do on my whiteboard, frozen at "Week Beginning 15th June."

It was frozen then because on 18th June I found out about the placenta praevia. And we all know how that rocked me for a bit.

Tonight I decided that we're moving on. We have to because this baby's coming, and outdated Things To Do just won't fly.

At today's appointment I was given the choice to have the baby this coming Wednesday (22nd July - 37 weeks) or to wait an extra week (29th July - 38 weeks). Based on a whole lot of Mother's Instinct borne of Smoochy Girl's extremely rapid birth spontaneously at 38 weeks, I gratefully took the option to maintain my booking on the 22nd. So here we are, a few days away from holding our little baby. And this is what my List Of Things To Do looks like now:

Of course that last point was tongue-in-cheek. I know that we will be fine, both of us. But it's been a long few weeks knowing of the risks to myself and to the baby and it's been scary thinking of how I was totally overdoing until 18th June. Now I've carried Thingamababy as long as I've thought safe, I feel like a having a little joke between me and the babe: "Don't Die." We plan to achieve our two goals for the week and enjoy our time doing so.


  1. ohhh how exciting that you're having your baby soon!! :) :) :) :) :) yay! will be praying for you all! :)

  2. We always need a goal.
    Glad you got yours clearly set out in front of you. Can't wait to see Thingamababy's sweet little face.


  3. Hey you there any date is a good one to have your baby, and your hospital seems to be a caring one.
    There is one thing I was meaning to say, but there didn't seem to be a good time before........just this, and going by my daughters 4 births.....there was never any guarantee that no3 baby would have arrived as easily as no 2 anyway.....do you get what I mean? Even without your placenta previa...no3 birth may well not have been as quick/ easy/ natural as no 2.
    Each birth is different and at least this time you know for sure why the doctors won't let you do it your way.
    Be thankful that these days you found out sooner rather than later.
    sighhhhhh I know you know allof this. 22nd is a good day for a birth.......my first was 22nd June....oh boy a long night!!
    praying for you and keeping you in my thoughts.
    Anne. from the UK.x

  4. I forgot to say....God be with you... you will be in my prayers...
    and its a really miserable wet summer's day here in the uk!! global warming..huh !!!how's your winter!!

  5. I know that technically that shouldn't be funny, but your outlooks on things and your honesty in prioritisation made me laugh. I am absolutely certain you will achieve both tasks, and do them well. Good luck!

  6. I am so excited to hear that you will be achieving these goals.

    Can't wait to meet the new little one!

  7. Here's to achieving goals and being able to cross things off your 'to do' list! *raises hot chocolate in salute*

    Boy. Hypothetically, if a person were knitting she'd need to get on with it...

  8. I love jotting down highly attainable goals. This time next week you'll be putting two huge ticks on the board!

  9. Oh YAY for you! Good goals and I love that you are going to enjoy them :) I have marked the date in my diary with the world "PRAY" and circled it! With love x

  10. I think your to do list this week is brilliant!
    Will be praying for you lots xx

  11. Both excellent goals. It's nice to have know the date so I can pray for you and the baby!


Thanks for picking up a ukulele and taking a potshot!