22 July 2009

Looks like a nice day to have a baby

By now, I'll be out of contact for a little while. As soon as possible, I will post about our little Thingamababy, but until then the only updates I can give you involve a clock and an Estimated Time of Baby. In our part of Australia, the time is currently:

At 6:45am, Mr de Elba and I will show up at the hospital, and about 7:30am I'll start "having" this little babe. My best guess is that Thingamababy will be out and about, glaring slowly around the room like a milk-crazed desperado by 8:00am.

And then? And then! I really don't know. Like most of the last 5 weeks (and the whole of the next year,) I'll play it by ear.

Let me say a deep, heartfelt THANKYOU to everyone for supporting me: for my praying friends for their prayers and for my not-so-much praying friends for their thoughts and best wishes. I appreciate every one of you, I do.

Talk to you soon!


  1. I am SO excited for you. Loved the previous post. You should be Live BLogging this birth. I am sure that they would let you have a computer in the OR suite. Come on, it will be fun....

    Anyway, much love and prayers. Can't wait to see the photos and here all about it.

  2. Wait now, what about the dongle?

    As I told you earlier today (or this evening, depending on which hemisphere one is in), praying for you today, and especially so around 5pm, which by my oh-so-genius calculating is when you'll be in tomorrow morning getting TMB out and about!


  3. OK. I'm breathing for you right now and couting to 10. I'm so excited. I know you don't have to do those breathing things with c-sections, but heck. I just wanted to say that.
    We're eagerly waiting word of Thingamababies arrival.


  4. My prayers are with you! Can't wait to hear about the new little de Elba!!

  5. Praying for you!!!

    Much Love xox

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. oohh how exciting! :) praying for you all! :) :) :) can't wait to hear about your new little one :) :)

  8. Kate, I have checked my phone 100 times already today!! I hope all went well this morning! Much love to you and the family...

  9. Accccckkkk!!!! It's already afternoon, and I'm freaking out. I hope all is well and everyone is safe and accounted for. Thinking of you all and praying, praying, praying! :)

  10. Just to rest some minds at ease... Mr de Elba has informed me of a safe birth!! I wont tell you the details though because I am sure Kate wants to do that. But both Mummy & Bubby are safe & well :)

  11. Yes, everything is good! I'm a proud Aunty.

  12. congratulations and I hope you are both r.e.st.ing well.
    And I love the new info around your blog.

  13. Oh thank you to the sweet "in the know" commenters...yea!!! Been on pins and needles!

  14. So relieved to hear this news. I've been watching my reader all day yesterday and today to see if a post came thru just telling us all is well.
    Thanks for letting us know. I'll look forward to her rendition of the theatre and all involved and a picture of our new de Elba.

  15. Anna Lucia looks less than thrilled to be holding that new baby. Is someone holding a gun to her back? This is not a good sign of things to come, my dear.

    Hope you are well. Hope your granny panties fit. Hope the new one gives you much to blog about! ;-)

    Love to you,
    Melissa at Stretch Marks


Thanks for picking up a ukulele and taking a potshot!