09 July 2009

Hey, baby, I got the MOVES.

This is me walking:

This is me washing up at the sink:

This is me getting up off the floor:

Such Grace.


  1. I omitted the other Major Defects: thighs, backside and oh my - the more than ample bosom. I would have looked like an upright-walking cane toad.

  2. Why are you naked in these pics? I didn't think it was *that* kind of blog...

    By the way, if a person were, hypothetically, to be knitting for a certain gracefulness-destroying lump, that person would like to assure you that it's not with the wool that was batted all around the room by a certain kitten. Just so you know. Hypothetically.

  3. Um, hang on a moment here... that last picture: You're vastly pregnant and doing yoga? My goodness, woman, you're putting my Hasn't Been Remotely Pregnant in Almost a Decade, sorry abdomen to shame! ;)

  4. Come to think of it, you recently referenced lying on the floor, and I was wondering how in the world you got up! Thanks for the illustration. I think I quit getting "down there" by about 5 months!

  5. I'm looking forward to the diagram of you attempting to tie your shoes. Or shave your legs. Or how about one where you're using your belly as a table for a plate of cookies or something! :)

  6. Hey that looks familiar!! hehe

  7. Hmmmmmm..........Brings back some old memories.

    Memories...pressed across the pages of my mind ... memories ... sweeted through the ages ... what? Who am I kidding???

  8. You are a very beautiful (if not quite graceful) preggers woman with the gift of very evocative stick-figure-drawing.

    Not long now (or is that a comment from a never-been-pregnant-woman who is about to be savaged by all the have-been-pregnant-women out there).

  9. Graceful and artistic.


  10. I always love your stick figures! I can almost hear them wincing, sighing, and groaning.

  11. I'm so impressed that you are so coordinated!

    When I was pregnant with Mo, I got stuck on my back in the waterbed. I was sloshing around, waving my arms and legs, and waving some more. Steve looked at me and said, "You look like a bloated tick!"

    He survived.

    When I found out I was pregnant with El, I demanded a new bed.

    I got one.


Thanks for picking up a ukulele and taking a potshot!