25 July 2009

Depravity and Lack of Sleep

I got to thinking. And I ended up with an interesting term which required a definition.

Sleep Depravation: Commonly thought to be a misspelling of the term "sleep deprivation," sleep depravation refers to the state of depravity a new parent enters into following the birth of a child, when they receive fewer than 3 hours of non-consecutive snatches of sleep each night for weeks on end.


  1. I don't know how I missed out on all your funny posts- I must have been sleeping- whoops, not a good joke for you!! I love the breastfeeding pic- they make it look so romantic, when in reality its as you said!

  2. I haven't slept in 5 years...


  3. Wish I could send some of my uninterrupted nights to you.

  4. Woweee! Love reading about and looking at your son. Wanted to text everyday with some loving encouragement but we're travelling through a sad time with a mate of Tim's fighting for his life in Brissie after a footie accident. A miracle is needed.
    And praise God for the Jutsum miracle of Joseph and no bad stuff happening after his birth.
    Proud of you dear girl. Will visit some time when I am totally over this stubborn cold.

    We are doing just fine.

    Love to you all.

  5. This I know far too well from experience. Thing is, I was far too incoherent to remember details, so that's good! Better yet, I don't think my kids remember either.

  6. I too have not slept in 5 years. I think that DEPRAVITY is about right for the lack of sleep for that long. Here's to Joseph sleeping through the night soon!

  7. I so feel you. I am so in this state, sometimes worse than others.

  8. So, do you want to go out and paint the town red? Oh, your type of depravity possibly doesn't include that right now, huh?

  9. You might try what I did when our fourth baby was only sleeping for 20 minute stretches. Go to the doctor and have him tell your family that if they don't take over for a while and let you get some uninterrupted sleep he will put you in the hospital until you do.


Thanks for picking up a ukulele and taking a potshot!