20 July 2009

At least I've got some great accessories

So in 48 hours, they will have unzipped me using that handy little zipper that all women have just above the Map of Tassie and I'll have a baby. Out of me. As opposed to inside me. Which is where it currently is.

Should I take time to get my head around that NOW or should I wait until later? Say, sometime in November or December?

Anyway, I decided that this is such a deeply medical, highly surgical and totally terrifying thing to happen that I must get my priorities right first.

I need to accessorise.

The thought process started with Swift Jan's lovely purchase of a gorgeous Nappy (Diaper) Bag from SewFunByMonique on Etsy. It is truly magnificent.

I visited Monique's shop. I visited ONLY Monique's shop - visiting others would cause me to want more stuff than I could possibly buy.

Monique, like some long-lost sister on the other side of the world had made this lovely Diaper Bag just for me - well, she didn't know it was for ME, she just picked fabrics that I love and put it together so nicely that - well - let's just say that it used to be hers, and now, it's mine!

I'm doing a lot of resting at the moment otherwise I'd take my own photos of this gorgeous bag and post them instead. But if Monique will forgive me for using the pics she herself posted on Etsy, I will just settle with posting them instead.

As we emailed each other while I was working out if I could/should buy this, I told Monique that I'd just found out I had placenta praevia, and I felt that these three things could help me find the fun in the end of this pregnancy:

1. I wanted to treat myself
2. I wanted to buy something new and gorgeous for the baby, and
3. I wanted to pack both our bags for hospital.

This groovy diaper bag helped me achieve all three.

As well as selling me the bag, Monique herself was full of comfort and kind words, and I've made another friend from across the ocean. She too has been praying for me and the baby, and I am so thankful for this. (Thankyou Monique, so very much!)

What is "Church"? It's not the same huddle of people in the same building, Sunday-in, Sunday-out. Instead, it's really quite an amazing network of awesome people from all over the world, praying for people and situations they have never encountered face-to-face. It's humbling to be a part of that.

Now if I may revert back to my natural flippancy, somehow, it doesn't matter now that I won't birth this baby while on all fours, groaning like a tribal woman. Things will be a lot different this time, but hey! At least I've sorted out my accessories!

PS: Visit Monique's Shop!


  1. naw -- that's a cute bag! :) :)

  2. Monique is very clever!! I have just asked her to make me a matching pram liner!! Cant wait to see the results!

    Accesories are VERY important you know hehe!!

  3. I am so touched! Thank you for your sweet comments!It is so nice knowing that I have new friends in you and swiftjan across the globe! I love to hear about everything in the pregnancies. I appreciate my kids a little more remembering where their start was!

  4. That is super cute! If my diaper bags had looked like that, I might have had a third baby too. Too late now!

    You've been busy around here while I've been away. Love your new sidebars!

    Praying for you and Thingamababy. Looking forward to some great news!

  5. that is a fabulous bag!
    I wish you all the best in the next couple of days and I can't wait to meet Thingamababy.
    My prayers are always with you.
    Much Love.

  6. I'm loving this new bag and assuming that Thingamababy will favor pink as well.
    You scored with this one and what a great way to tie in your blogging life with your real life. Explain that one to strangers that love your bag... lol.
    You are so right that the "church" isn't those 4 wall. Thank God. We can encourage and love each other even though we may never see each other in person and learn all the real pesky annoying things about each other like you have to do in the 4 wall church. haha.


  7. What an absolutely gorgeous bag! You're right, accessories can make all the difference.


Thanks for picking up a ukulele and taking a potshot!