21 June 2009

A Walk In The Forest

One of the coolest things about our new house is that we back onto a nature reserve. The kids call it "The Forest."

This is tree outside our back fence. Overhanging branches were cut off years ago making many knot holes in the trunk where native birds live.
And this is the gate in the back fence that leads out into our forest. From the other side it just looks like a high fence, you can't tell there's a gate in it at all.

Now here's a cool kid who likes to walk beside Daddy or lead the dog:

and so he gets his money's worth from "a walk in the forest" as we call it.

This kid, however, does not like to walk, and does a lot of this sort of stuff:

in order to:

get carried all around the forest by Daddy.

We love our little "forest" behind our new house!


  1. That's really great to have a nature walk so close to home!

    P.S. she's got it down cold, doesn't she? :)

  2. I have to agree with her, sometimes walking the woods is just not fun. I have been known to cry when I had to walk in the woods.

  3. I think all little girls know how to work their daddies! Thank God for daddies!

  4. Now isn't that just a little peace of paradise in a time of upset. IT's gorgeous!

  5. Now if only you'd called this post "A Walk in the Black Forest"...





Thanks for picking up a ukulele and taking a potshot!