31 May 2009


Every now and then, a whole family goes downhill and gets sick. For us, that time seems to be now.

Sonny's certainly been the worst, and his fevers, night terrors and vomiting has had me and Mr de Elba exchanging worried looks with our hearts bleeding in sympathy for our little man.

Smoochy is mostly okay except for a runny nose and difficulty breathing at night. Her own concern is the "crusty snot" on her face in the morning. She's a bit particular, so that bothers her a lot. She scratches it off and gives it to me to hold.

Mr de Elba has been tired and has aching muscles, which is his classic symptom of being sick. We have to wait and see if he will get better or worse from here.

And I have felt pretty sore in the tonsils, and my glands are swelling and eustachian tubes are blocked. So I think it will be a pretty difficult week.

The dog, however, remains well.

So this week may be more of a case of NoBloPoFothMoToDoPoPicInst. Here's my first one. Pictures taken on my phone (the one that sinks all its non-phone skillz into being an awesome MP3 player, leaving no room for decent photo quality.)


  1. Oh noooooo! Wishing the entire De Elba family a quick return to full health, with no more toy casualties as well!!

  2. Oh No. I'm so sorry to hear all of you are not feeling well. Hope you make a turn around this week. Those pictures of Smoochy watering the garden are precious.


  3. Sending lots of positive vibes your way :)

  4. So sorry to hear you all are under the weather!

    Hope doggy is good at fetching kleenex and pain meds.

  5. Boy, can I relate! Kiwi woke up at 2 am last night, from such a deep sleep she only just made it out of bed before...well, you know. I don't know if she's got the flu, or if swimming in a pond and being out in the hot sun got to her. The "best" part is, tho, that in the evening I'd bought her a nice blue slushie.... I had to scrub that puke out of the carpet for 20 minutes to get that color out!!!

  6. Awwww, poo! It's interesting that all your symptoms are different! Are they the same illness? Get well soon.

    In the meantime, I should think that pics of Smoochy Girl in that ADORABLE hat would perk anyone right up!


Thanks for picking up a ukulele and taking a potshot!