27 May 2009


Heard of NaBloPoMo? It's short for National Blog Posting Month or something. It's when bloggers decide to do a post once a day for a whole month. Disciplined blogging.

Well, I've decided to do something different. NoBloPoFothMoToDoPoPicInst. You'll be needing a phonemic transcription of that, so I've included that here:

And of course, that is short for "No Blog-Posting for the Moment - Too Dopey - Posting Pictures Instead." I could call it "Wordless Wednesday" but "NoBloPoFothMoToDoPoPicInst" is growing on me.

I loved that the spelling of "DIESEL" was altered from the original "DIESAL" to "DEISAL."

At least the Courier "GOES GOOD."


  1. Hilarious. I love dodgy signs. I was up the top of Castle Hill in Townsville the other day and, on an engraved plaque on the commercially run binoculars, they had the word "veiw". Gold.

  2. I think that will catch on, for sure.

  3. The suburb where I grew up has a street called "The Boulevarde". A few years ago the council redid all the street signs... and spelled it "The Boulervarde".

  4. Somewhere this person's English teacher is muttering to herself, "Where did I go wrong?"

  5. I catch stuff like this, too. I especially love misspellings on billboards and large vinyl signs.

  6. Where is the world. Can you imagine buying that vehicle from that person. Tyres????
    That is too much.

    And I don't even know what you said above that, but I'll take your word for it.

  7. hehehe classic. I love seeing incorrect signs, makes me feel just that little bit smarter for the day :)

  8. So, is NoBloPoFothMoToDoPoPicInst trademarked? I mean, are we able to join in your newly created entity? I think it sounds far more dynamic than Wordless Wednesday. I bet it goes good, too.

  9. Joy - that's how we spell 'tyres' (tires) in Australia. It is NOT, however, how we spell diesel! :D

  10. I think Mary Poppins might even have trouble saying that. :)

  11. Gotta LUV it!!! ;-)

    Have a happy weekend!!!

  12. I didn't know about the tyres thing. So the entire ad looked like a spelling fiasco. haha.

    I've learned something. :)

    ♥ Joy

  13. oh oh oh I totally saw that one recently! It was at that small shopping centre that starts with W!


Thanks for picking up a ukulele and taking a potshot!