21 May 2009

Dumb Broad = Dumb + Broad

This is how I parked at the hospital on a very rainy day.
Don't forget Thingamababy is growing and my girth is increasing accordingly.


  1. not dumb! Resourceful woman who not only had enough brains to take a photo to blog about later but also somehow managed to get out of the scrap to get back to laptop and blog said photo.

  2. Hugs!!! I hope your appointment went well....when you figured out how to get there, lol!

  3. Heh, I've done similar Genius Parking Maneuvers, and never with the excuse of temporary girth of a cooking Thingamababy, either! Just plain old, ate too many bowls of ice cream girth.... :P

    So wait, do you drive on the "wrong" side of the road as do the British or are you on the "right" side of the road, as we Americans do (therefore *obviously* making it the "right" side)?

    Also, did you have to employ a Dukes of Hazzardian slide across the roof of the car to get out, or did you simply do the sensible and boring thing and re-park? :D

  4. I just can't stop laughing. You my dear totally crack me up. And I LOVE that you stopped to take a picture of it.

  5. Hey, you did well even to get your CAR into a park with a post in that particular car park - let alone with room for a Heavily Pregnant One.

  6. What - no photos of you doing a Wet'N'Wild Fun Park slide across the bonnet? I'm disappointed!

  7. Definitely not Dumb. The hospital should have thought of pregnant women when they designed the carpark. It's hard enough fitting through those gaps at the best of times anyway!

  8. My first thought had to do with the Dukes of Hazzard, too, until I realised that you must have simply put your gymnastics background to good use and climbed the pole.

    Well done.

  9. At least you're in the lines, which is more than my apartment's tenants can do.

  10. I remember being pregnant the first time, and hubby parked way too close to another car. It took him awhile to figure out why I wasn't getting out of the car.

  11. Ohhhh, noooooooo. Did you slip-n-slide across the bonnet, climb the pole, or squeeze back in and across the passenger seat? How did it turn out?


Thanks for picking up a ukulele and taking a potshot!