07 May 2009

Analyse This

It doesn't take an expert to analyse my current dreams and work out what's going on in my subconscious.

I have one recurring dream that we're leaving our lovely house in Ipswich and I'm feeling desperate, knowing I'm leaving behind an awesome place, and a really good property investment. I just feel sad, believing the best has been and gone. (Life's more fun if you believe that the best is is yet to come.)

I have another recurring dream when I'm leaving my Ipswich house and the last final little things to pack number into the squillions. I am frantically trying to get the place ready for the new people, and I don't have enough time. The squillions of remaining items litter the entire house and cannot be categorised except as "miscellaneous."

Last night I had my first birth dream for this pregnancy. Or was it? As I type, I am having déjà vu about having dreamed this before ... or is that déjà rêvé? I dreamed that I was in the early stages of labour and all of a sudden I was in full-blown labour and nobody was quite ready for that. (Did I ever mention that at 2:58 pm on 14-04-2007 I was at my washing line getting comfy pants to labour in, and 18 minutes later Smoochy Girl literally blasted out of me? By then we were in birth suite, but I'll never really know how we got from A to B in 18 minutes. Afterwards, I felt I was in shock regarding the time-frames, and that's a shock that I've never fully resolved.)

Analyse this. No, wait, there's no need.


  1. I just finished having a night full of such dreams. (Also: yawnnnnnn.) The worst of the lot was the one in which I dreamed that Hubby and I were being shown around a house we wanted to buy (not the house we're actually buying IRL, mind you) and as our agent was taking us through this home, another couple and their agent were walking through it as well. So, while our agent had his back turned to us and was looking something up on his laptop about the house for us, Hubby and I gave each other a glance and then proceeded to push this other couple and their agent over the edge of the balcony so that they plummeted to their deaths. Then when our agent saw their bodies on the ground below, he was all freaked out and Hubby and I were positively blase about it.


    I will be glad when all the moving is over and the only stress-related nightmares I will be having involve hideous, 44 year old wallpaper................

  2. You're kidding? That's an amazing dream ...

    And now I'm a little scared of you.


  3. At least the moving part is over, even though you're having residual dreams about it (NONONONOOOOO on thinking that the best is over!). Now maybe you can move to One a Day in May room dreams! :)

    And P.S. My mother's b-day is 4-14. I heart you and your family even more now.

  4. 18 minutes???? Whoa!

    I had a dream at probably 7 mos. along with my firstborn that I took the baby out and played with it. And then I couldn't get it back in!! I just knew I was going to be in so much trouble! Yours seem pretty normal by comparison!

  5. I HATE moving. Just thought you'd understand! OH, and yeah, I had some pretty weird pregnancy dreams... and was really really happy when none of them came true! By the way, I've never, ever seen one of those plastic doggies... maybe they haven't got 'em here in the U.S.?

  6. I always used to dream that I could see through my stomach to the developing baby. Those were awesome, peaceful dreams.

  7. Your subconscious doesn't bother with subtlety, does it?

    (And 18 minutes--wow! Does your doctor want to schedule an induction this time?)

  8. How close do you live to the hospital?

  9. I've been having crazy creepy dreams about my ex-husband. :::shudder:::

    Sounds like you should schedule a home birth-- are you gonna make it to the hospital on time?


Thanks for picking up a ukulele and taking a potshot!