27 April 2009

My Dad. Sigh.

Me: I've had a few big cries recently.

Mum: Oh no, that's not good!

Me: Don't stress Mum. It's normal. Many women have told me they have cried a lot when forced to move to a new town. Take J___ for example. She's such a lovely, mature well-rounded Christian woman, and she ...
Dad: Big fat woman?

Me (sigh): Geez, Dad, blah blah blah ... (here I blabbered on about weight and medical issues and basically tried to put a kind spin on the fact that, well, you know, some of us struggle with our weight.)

Dad (cutting me off): I've never met her.

Me: Er-?

Dad: You said she was 'well-rounded'.

Me: Oh. Sorry. A funny joke. I thought you were being your usual tactless self. Okay. Thanks. Funny. Ha ha.


  1. Officially known as a "Dad Joke". When you were kids and driving past a cemetery did he say, "See that, kids? Dead centre of town there. People are dying to get in."

    Oh, that was just MY Dad? Okay then.

  2. My dad makes those kinds of jokes, too. We have all learned to just ignore him and keep talking.

  3. Funny how dads still make those kinds of jokes even after so many years. They get even funnier with age, don't they?

    One of my dad's favourite sayings used to be "is your face hurting? Because it's killing us."

    Yeah. Dads are great for the ego. ;-)

  4. Something tells me your Dad and my husband would be fast friends.


  5. Yes, that's definitely a dad joke! Of course he never thought that she might actually have a weight issue.

  6. Is tactless humour inherited? I think I must have got it from Dad, cause that terrible joke made me smile...

  7. But he's said similar things a thousand times! Try to keep up!

  8. I love how dads get away with stupid jokes like that...and then REPEATING them over and over again!

  9. Maybe "stupid" sounds mean, but you know what I meant, right?!

  10. I think your dad and my dad would get along just fine.


Thanks for picking up a ukulele and taking a potshot!