06 April 2009

Earth Hour at our place

I'm the sort of gal who likes to live pretty frugally. Only own what you need, turn off any lights you aren't using, save electricity, you know the sort of thing. This is a good way to be, to balance out my family. Eight non-essential lights burning until 4am isn't the eco-friendliest way to live. I hope we cancel each other out and our net effect on the environment is about average.

Earth Hour happened recently. I guess a lot of people did a lot of very commendable 'green' things and played board games by candlelight with their children, or if they didn't have children, thought up different things to do ... ?

For us, I decided that as the kids would be asleep, Mr de Elba wouldn't be into Earth Hour and as I make a pretty good effort to save electricity whenever I can the other 364 days 23 hours of the year, I might as well just keep a light on and do my BAS. Time well spent, I thought.

Yes, I was guilty that lights could be seen from our windows, but I also thought that if anyone was patrolling the streets looking for householders to put in the Environmental Naughty Corner, they should probably go and get a life.

But in the morning I miserably noted that the final de Elba statement towards Earth Hour was that Mr de Elba, in a state of exhaustion, had fallen asleep fully clothed and slept soundly until morning while a number of lights burned on all night in the study downstairs.

Global Warming. It's all the de Elba's fault, folks.


  1. I think we can share the responsibility. After making plans to enjoy a quiet hour knitting by candlelight I ended up completely forgetting about it and thus spent Earth Hour watching DVDs in my loungeroom with the lights on. Go me.

  2. let me tell you, you are not the only one.

  3. I forgot about Earth Hour too....

  4. I'm giving you my best disapproving mother, "Tsk, tsk!"

  5. When was it again???

    I forgot too.


  6. Yep. Had seen some promos saying it was happening (none of which actually indicated the time and date, by the way) and only found out it had happened when I checked my email and saw a friend had made mention of the fact they'd made it sending the email before Earth Hour. Oops.

  7. haha i didnt even know Earth Hour was happening till i saw someone's facebook status about it... then forgot anyways.. lol :)

  8. I have never heard of Earth Hour. And hey, that is your old house. You are still Perfect, Model Citizens in Toowoomba. Let's hear it for a clean slate!

  9. I decided to ignore Earth Hour in honour of my constant efforts to make my family turn everything off. It's a hard job, but somebody's got to do the nagging...


Thanks for picking up a ukulele and taking a potshot!