15 April 2009

Definitely at least 75% OCD

We moved, and I survived.

Now for the Unpacking. Current opinion tends towards me surviving that too.

Thanks for your kind thoughts regarding my personal pain in the ass. It's bad, but I'm still standing. And the suggestions you had were good - the SIJ belt has been helpful in the past, physio is always great (including hydrotherapy) and lying flat on your back is to be avoided! Smart chickies, my bloggy audience.

Yes, the Unpacking. I loved your comments about moving - horrified to hear that Femina's friend had her HANDBAG packed. If the packers were anything like MY packers, it would have bene wrapped in 14 large pieces of pink butchers paper and no mobile phone could be heard through that lot.

Hippomanic Jen's Mum's packing style had me chuckling. I don't think I could handle that. Things are disorganised enough at my house as it is, without velcro hair rollers using the empty space inside my watering can.

There were the usual nightmares and things going wrong, but I kept my head above water and it all sorted itself out eventually.

Now I am left with a squillion boxes of assorted stuff-we-never-really-use-anyway mixed up with really-quite-essential-stuff. And that maddening combination being in a chaotic state of half-unpackedness has made me realise that I am definitely at least 75% OCD, if not more.

My Crazy Sister and my Mum have been here today helping, and Mr de Elba was a hero and found everything on my PLEASE-FIND-IT-NOW list and stuck my clothes dryer up there on the wall. I have a smallish phobia of the screws ripping out of the wall at 2am and the dryer CRASHING down causing me to die of cardiac arrest, but I figure I'll deal with that one if/when it happens. And if I'm not dead. Mr de Elba, who was confident earlier that the screws would NOT rip out of the wall at 2am is now worryingly unsure, owing to my ongoing ruminations on the subject.

It's a bit like my snake-on-top-of-the-roller-door phobia and my railway-bridge-collapsing-at-the-exact-moment-my-car-passes-underneath phobia, and neither of those has ever come to pass.


  1. so pleased the move went well. I hope the unpacking does itself overnight - unlikely but it would be nice!

  2. All the best for the continued unpacking. Just wondering whether I should pack up my Beloved on Saturday and bring him to your house to make certain the dryer won't come crashing out of the wall - but then again I really need him to mow, and work on a rockinghorse. Hmmm.

  3. Then again, he hasn't yet hung OUR clothes dryer up on the wall. Maybe I should get him to do THAT!!! Then he would be appropriately qualified to check on Mr de Elba's work. He, he, he.

  4. It's also really good to know you're back up on line.

  5. And if I keep doing this, next time you're on line you'll really think that everyone loves you, missed you, and wishes you the best for the unpacking.

  6. But then you'll see it was just me. Sorry.

  7. Well, I'll butt in here so it isn't all Hip Jen leaving loads of comments. AKA a word from the peanut gallery..... :D

    So glad you are in and back online! I have similar fears of things collapsing just as I'm going underneath/past, so I totally hear you on that. If my hubby weren't so good at home-repair/renovation type stuff, I'd be similarly worried about things crashing.

    As it is, he already has a vast spreadsheet/timeline that outlines ALL of the projects we'll be DIYing in our new home, starting with ripping out the remaining wall-to-wall carpeting before we've even unloaded the truck.

    Yes, I said "before WE'VE even unloaded the truck" just now. We had a bunch of lovely mover type folks through to give us estimates on having them do all that heavy labor, and what do you know? RIDICULOUSLY expensive, as it turns out, especially given the staggering nature of our upcoming DIY Extreme Home Makeover. So, we're hiring a couple of strong-backed college boys from church and renting a U-Haul and *doing it ourselves* .............

    Oh, I feel a bit faint now. Think I'll go have a quick lie-down. I want to be where YOU are, at the tail end of the moving experience. No, scratch that, I want to be even further along than that, at the tail-end of the Extreme Home Makeover.

    I'm tired already and I haven't packed a box yet! Well, I mean, besides the boxes I already crammed into our storage unit, heartily chuckling to myself as I did "oh HO, this will all be the MOVERS' responsibility now, heh heh!"

    Oh, now I need to lie down again.

    Anyhow, glad you are getting settled in, my dear! *mwah*

  8. Quiz: how long did it take you to determine the 75% OCD diagnosis? Less than one minute- you're in good shape. Less than 15 minutes- I'm a little worried. More than 15 mintues- wrap yourself in butcher paper and ship yourself to a counselor immediately!

  9. Great to hear you survived the move. Praying you will feel very much at home VERY soon. And that the unpacking fairies visit you...

  10. Yup, just a little OCD but that is how I love you. Happy Unpacking!!!!

  11. My last move, the packers (besides breaking things) actually packed my makeup INSIDE the toilet-brush holder!! Dee-skust-ing!! Of course I had to throw out the whole shebang... So we're moving again, and I can't decide if it's worse to do the work myself, or worry about what horrid things they're doing with my stuff....

    Is the name "Toowoomba" for real? It's kinda hilarious!

  12. Oh, wonderful. You're IN! Just take it step by step, right? (However frustrating and maddening that may be!).

    And my fear was always the I'm-in-the-cave/tunnel-there-is-an-earthquake fear. Eeeps!

  13. Yahoo! She has made it! Oh, it's all just fun and discovery from here on in. Just make sure you have some comforts and the rest can take it's time coming out of boxes, non?

    Enjoy settling in to your new home!

  14. Think that's bad - when we moved to Utah from California, the movers packed my birth control pills!

    They packed my whole suitcase right in the middle of a 15 foot truck. I had to wear the same sweaty clothes for 3 days straight.

    I thought oh this is great, I haven't been in Utah for a week and I'm going to be barefoot and pregnant. Fortunately, I didn't end up getting pregnant, but it would have made a funny story!

  15. Hooray!! You're IN and ONLINE!!

    Looking forward to seeing your new house tomorrow!!

    Unpacking sux!! I will help you as much as I can xxoo

  16. I'm amazed at how much you've got done in a week. Thanks for letting me keep the Kit Kat chocolate bar and the Fantale lolly I helpfully unpacked.

  17. You're welcome to them. They'd be three or four years old at least.

  18. Congrats on a successful move! Have lots of fun unpacking...

    Heh. I still have unpacked boxes in my garage from my move 8 years ago. Yes, really.

  19. Glad to hear that packers in no matter what country can manage to pack a little plastic doodad piece of nothing in 10 sheets of wrapping paper. What a pain.
    You'll have lots to recycle or if your like me find someone who is moving and they will gladly take it off your hands.

    One time when my Aunt moved the packers packed her entire trashcan with the garbage still in it. How nice of them.



Thanks for picking up a ukulele and taking a potshot!