30 March 2009

The Smarter Trike

Have you seen the awesome "Smart Trike"?

Well you have now. You can't claim you haven't.

There's a short window of time between your child is too young to sit up and when your child is pretty independent on a trike. It's the window of time that sees your child desperate to be on a trike and to be in control of that trike, and yet sadly lacking a number of skills important for doing these things (postural stability and trunk control, and using those tiny little legs to push the pedals.

So someone make a Smart Trike. It holds the child safely in the sitting position, there's a handle for parents to use to push the trike, and if things go too far off course, you can wrestle control back and make the trike go where you want it to.

We don't have one. The function I have missed most is the handle - I am having some pretty severe trouble when bending down and pushing a trike right now, and I really really want to be able to push Smoochy along on a trike while she tries desperately to keep up with Sonny on his new red birthday bike.

So The Smarter Trike was born. Lacking many of the features of the original Smart Trike, it does contain the one feature that makes it attractive to our family:

... I bought it for $5 at a garage sale, and the broom I brought from home.

Clever me.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I had to delete first comment because I was using a different user name than I blog with! Sorry!

    All I wrote was "Yes, you are clever!"

    And you are!!

  3. Oh, you ROCK! I can't tell you how I needed one of those! Except, of course, you know.

  4. Very trendy and much less expensive. I like it!

  5. Very clever! Great idea Givinya!

  6. That's awesome. Is the broom tied on so you can apply the brakes when Smoochy decides to try out your local Daredevil Hill?

  7. WOOHOO!!!
    I REALLY want a smart trike for #3 coz I understand your frustration... mind you, I quite like your invention too *thumbsup*

  8. Oh you are just so clever! LOL!!!!!

  9. It's very smart to solve the problem without spending much money!

  10. I am not even kidding you...a big fat cackle just spewed forth from my diaphragm just now. THAT IS THE FUNNIEST THING I'VE SEEN IN A LONG TIME!

  11. They can keep their little sissy Smart Trike. Yours is better.
    Love it!


Thanks for picking up a ukulele and taking a potshot!