08 February 2009


We didn't want this. Latest numbers are 26 dead in the bushfires, but that number is expected to rise.

I am still thinking of you, all my southern friends. Hoping and praying you're safe and keeping cool. I hope today brings cooler temperatures and that the fires can be put out quickly.


  1. Me too! Thoughts and prayers going out that things are brought under control quickly and with no further casualties.

  2. Oh, my. It's like the stinking breath of hell. Prayers, prayers, PRAYERS!

  3. Prayers from the USA coming your way. How awful!

  4. 35 dead and counting. Many or most of the 450 fires burning in Victoria over the last two days were the work of arsonists. It is utterly beyond belief.

  5. Oh hun, it's so awful. 49 dead and counting. It breaks my heart. Firefighters are our HEROES!

  6. Wow - Marysville has been completely wiped out. Not one house left standing. I know a few people whose parents and/or siblings moved there because it was a nice place to retire... they've just lost everything. It's awful and there just aren't enough firefighters (or enough water, for that matter) to cope with it all.

  7. 66 dead and counting. Can't imagine it. Although I'm praying for everyone, I particularly can't get the firefighters out of my mind. To voluntarily put your life between a fire and someone else (or their property) is true heroism.

  8. I heard on our news here in Texas in the States over 80 people now. It was on our news. We're praying that they will get these under control.



Thanks for picking up a ukulele and taking a potshot!