23 January 2009


Pregnancy nausea is gross. Probably not the worst that life can throw at you, but that doesn't make it any less awful.

Being nauseous with the first child was ghastly. I'd never encountered it before, and I was still working full-time, sometimes taking a vomit bucket to sit beside my speech therapy table as I worked in the 17 schools I had to travel around to.

Being nauseous with the second child was also ghastly. Because this time, I was battling with -ahem- the slight incontinence that comes after the first child coupled with more violent vomiting which encouraged the whole body to sorta let go and ... expel everything. Picture hanging over the toilet losing your nutrition while trying to avoid an ever-increasing puddle of your own wee. And then picture trying to swat away a toddler who is desperate to press past you (walking through the puddle of wee) to try to see what on earth was so darn interesting in that toilet bowl that required urgent viewing.

Being nauseous with the third child is weird because apart from a slight hiccup with some raw meat the other night, I haven't actually vomited. Weird. But the sickness remains, and then the situation becomes ghastly again, because this pregnancy I have to deal with picking some truly revolting things out of plugholes, thanks to my other two children.

A labour of love, I tell you.


  1. Such a shame. Maybe you should ask all your guests to clean one drain before they leave.

  2. LOL!! I'm not laughing at you, I'm laughing with you. Let me say, I used to never vomit UNLESS I was pregnant. So, when the morning sickness started with baby one, it was vicious. And since it was my first, I had no idea what it could be like. I got up, put my feet on the floor and ran to the bathroom. I puked so hard, I peed in the floor. Then stood there crying cause I'd peed my pants. Looking at it now, I'm lauging like you can't imagine. However, at the time it was not so fun. Have a great day and congratulations on the Thingamababy.

  3. I didn't have much morning sickness with my pregnancies. But smells would make me toss my cookies.
    One time while preg with baby #2 I was at the circus with child #1. An elephant did his major business not too far away from me. I had to run out of the bleachers and get some fresh air. I was loosing it.
    Also I could not walk near the seafood section at the grocery store. I did it once and had to run out the store before I puked all over the floor.
    So Sonny and Smoochy climb and stick things down plug holes. Good luck with everything. lol


  4. Dear Givinya,

    I don't get a chance to comment often but I've been following your saga. I've been thinking about you as you go through the upheaval of the kitchen re-do, job transfer, moving,and thingamababy. We picked up and moved 200 miles (for husband's job) when I was 6 months pregnant with our first. Then we moved into our house 3 months after our 2nd. You have my complete sympathies.

    I will be praying for lots of hands to help you, and comfort in your pregnancy. I don't know why, but each of my 3 pregnancies I got sicker than the one before. Unlike the pictures you see of Happy Pregnant Earth Mother woman - I was not. I love, love, love my 3 children but my body never did pregnancy well.

    Hope you start feeling better soon! At least you won't have to do the heavily pregnant in the heat of summer thing (that was me with our 3rd - and he was 4 days late!).

    By the way, for whatever bizarre reason, eating cold tinned pineapple helped curb the nausea in all 3 pregnancies (maybe the extra potassium?) but I thought I'd just toss that out there.

    Congratulations on Thingamababy!

  5. You'll be pleased to know, I've been suffering sympathy nausea/vomiting for the last day and a half. That's how devoted I am to Killing a Fly... Or it might be gastro. Not sure really. :)

    You did give me some hideous flashbacks to 8.5 years ago, though. I was going to tell the story, but I don't think I will on second thoughts. Ugh!

  6. Just a guy here, don't know the pregnancy thing, except by association I know, doesn't count.

    Still, wanted to send what little moral/emotional support as may be lent from the other side of the world.

    Bless you and tell that Crazy Sister to come take your kids for a "visit to Auntie's" have a little break, etc.

  7. VERY MUCH a labor of love. I have no children, and as much as posts like this from mothers and mothers-to-be scare the crap out of me, they also make me really think about re-investing some hard-core love towards my own mother and not taking her as much for granted. Thank you for that.

  8. I just had to stop by and see you. I so know what you are talking about or at least I did. When I was pregnant, hayden was ever so curious as to what I was doing in the toilet and he learn to make himself vomit as well. It was great fun.

  9. Poor Givinya - I can't imagine really, but because I haven't vomited since I was 12 I understand the misery of feeling sickened but not getting rid of whatever it is.

    *Big hugs from Jen*

  10. All my sympathies. I could just see you lugging that bucket around to all the schools.

  11. You have my sympathies! I was sick until 26 weeks with LP and don't look forward to next time. Yuck!! At least it means the little one is doing well in there!!

  12. You need a back rub, to be coddled and loved, to have someone read you a story.

    I feel bad when I read that you are having such a hard time. I hope you can rest this weekend, and that you will take care of yourself.

  13. I remember being pregnant with Jones. Could not go down the baby food aisle to get toddler meals for Pony Girl because just the thought of the way they looked and smelled made me want to urp. And with both kids I knew I was pregnant before the stick even changed color due to the fact that putting my toothbrush in my mouth nauseated me.

    Had to keep a box of gingersnaps or frosted mini-wheats by the bed the first two months and eat a handful before I could try to get up. Ah, the memories...

    Congrats on the baby bump!

  14. I know that whole puking thing all too well. I feel for you. (I also know that feeling like you want to puke but cannot feeling.) Having been pregnant so many times you would think I would have a baseball team here, but alas I only have Bacon.

    This is because to get rid of the nausea I ate so much bacon. I think it will help you too.

    (oh, I know it wasn't the bacon...but the salty goodness and all has to be good for something. A good old Bacon Lettuce and Tomato sandwich maybe?)

  15. I was lucky not to have morning sickness, but got pretty bad heartburn - not the same of course. I do remember puking allover the floor in the labour room due to the gas and pethedine though...

  16. ((hugs)) my friend, I can sympathise with you very much...


Thanks for picking up a ukulele and taking a potshot!