27 January 2009

If I were a millionaire ...

I had a swim today. Mr de Elba was home and I was able to leave the children with him so I could actually do some real swimming myself, instead of supervising Small Ones Who Get To Swim.

Well, to be honest, I don't really swim. I just put on my flippers and take my kickboard for a leisurely paddle up and down and up and down the pool until my brain is clear and I can function again. It's more like hydrotherapy really, and today I noticed all my pain here had gone after 5 minutes in the water. I don't want to go on about this particular pain in my blog, because I seem to go on about a whole lot else! But it's an ongoing reality for me most of the time, particularly bad in pregnancy.

And I got to thinking, as I do. What would I DO if I had unlimited money? If I were a multi-millionaire, and had given to missionaries and charities and there was still money I couldn't seem to burn?

I realised I've got it pretty good right now:

I'd look at top-end real estate. Then I'd buy a nice simple house no bigger than my family needs, and be comfortable in it.

I'd stop working. Then I'd miss the intellectual stimulation and being able to help little kids with their speech and language, and I'd go back to it.

I'd be able to afford more day-care for my children. But I'd miss them, and pull them out again.

I'd buy my husband a large flat-screen TV like he's always wanted. Then we'd continue to never watch TV and I'd end up giving it away.

I'd employ a housekeeper to clean and do my laundry, and pay her double to show her how much I appreciated her work.

But I'd never give her up!!!


  1. I think the housekeeper idea is the only one that's sticking!

    But, here's an idea. Water aerobics! The hydrotherapy seems to be working...

  2. I call dibs on the flat screen TV when you give it away...

    I worked as a cleaner when I was at uni, for families from church and other friends. The first time I cleaned one particular house I received an e-mail saying, "It's fantastic - we hope you never graduate"!

  3. My hubby does watch the flat screen we bought a while back. He watches alone in the basement, and it is his brainless therapy.

    I would do everything else the same though.

  4. Good idea sticking with the housekeeper. I totally would, too! =D

  5. Yes, a good housekeeper is worth a million dollars spread out over the course of your lifetime.

  6. That would be my one wish too, a house keeper who does everything! Including the ironing!!

    As for the hydrotherapy.... keep doing it!! It is marvellous isn't it!

  7. Love the concept of the house keeper. Mainly because I love it when my house is clean, but I'm not so good at keeping it that way.

    It would be great to say, "Mrs Brown, could you please clean up all the mouse droppings in the kitchen as a result of yesterday's pantry clean-up."

  8. I feel for you and that pain, I did not have it but a very good friend of mine did and I know how miserable she was.
    Anyway, I think that is a perfect way to spend money. I used to have house keep before the babies but then the babies came and we couldn't afford it but now is when I really need her. Funny how that works.

  9. Hi there! One thing that helped me a little with that pain is having Hubby Man VERY GENTLY VERY GENTLY VERY GENTLY pull on my leg. Something about that relieved the pressure.

    I would pay off my daughter's school loan, my credit cards, do the repair needed in my house, start trust funds for my almost 6 grandkids, and take a trip to the coast with Hubby Man. Maybe plan a trip to Disney with all my kids! Hmmmmm....dreaming is fun. :-)

  10. What I could do with lots of money.... similar to you.

    Good to hear the swimming is working, i was told to go swimming for my neck/back problems, but like you, never got time, now both girls are at kindy/school, maybe I should start.

  11. Ooh, I would do the same...but I would also by a plane with a pilot to fly me back and forth to my house in Australia in the months when the weather here is too suckish to stand! Then I could still get awesome coffee, and not have to kayak myself across the sea for 42 days...instead it would only take like 1 to fly there and 1 to fly back, and nothing would end up sore!

  12. Ooh, and I would rent an entire resort on a tropical island somewhere and invite all the bloggers I know - including those who reguarly comment on blogs I read - for a week or two to meet each other in real life and hang out. I think I would actually have to be a billionaire for that, not just a measly millionaire.

  13. I like your list.
    I thought you would buy hubby a helicopter so he could commute to his new position and be back home for dinner and a clean house that the housekeeper did.


  14. AMEN to that! What a great perspective on ALL of it.

    And I LOVE Femina's idea. Of course there would be fabulous nannies for the kids, and golf for the husbands, and we could try getting them all together just for grins, being careful to make sure that we girls would have plenty of girl time.

  15. I'd probably feel really guilty about the worst of the messes, and find myself cleaning up a bit for the cleaner, and then I'd be doing the lot and cursing my stupidity...

  16. Oh, that used to happen ALL the time when I was a cleaner. I insisted on cleaning only when everyone was out because if I didn't I'd invariably have the owner following me around the house, apologising for the mess and getting in my way trying to clean it themselves. I'd have to say, "Look, you are PAYING me to do this. It COSTS YOU MONEY. You don't pay me to watch YOU clean!"

  17. I think I'd tell the housekeeper to seal up the west wing, then DK and I (and our PA's, obviously) would take off a-travellin'.


Thanks for picking up a ukulele and taking a potshot!