22 December 2008

Yeah, yeah ...

You are so right.

Photos 1 and 3 were indeed the same, in the original post where that series was used I was just using it as an illustration to show how I expected the place to be destroyed soon after I finished my 90-minute tidying odyssey. I wasn't going to deliberately mess it up for the photo, but I wanted to illustrate ... Hope you didn't think I was trying to fool you!

Yes, it was the decorated half of the tree Sonny frought to me, sadly minus most of the decorations. We're spending some time this morning trying to straighten out the tree and re-decorate it.

It is quite warm for cocoa, you're right, but we are suckers for punishment - we keep up the warm drinks in summer. I personally drink fewer of them, but still, cocoa is nice when the day has been a huge hassle from start to finish and you finally get to sit down!


  1. I wont take a pic of the mess the girls make in the lounge, its too much to bear!

  2. I refuse to believe you drink hot cocoa! hot chocolate maybe - but definitely not cocoa!

  3. Perhaps you could get the 'tidy' photo blown up and just hold it in front of your face when you walk into that room. "la la la la la.... can't see any mess... la la la..."


Thanks for picking up a ukulele and taking a potshot!