29 December 2008

So very tired

I've always made the kids sleep in their bed or cot, but sometimes they get so tired ...


  1. Oh, to be able to conk out anywhere like that...

  2. haha :) how adorable! :)

  3. Oh I could conk out anywhere like that! I just never get the chance.

  4. I'm not quite sure what to make of the fact that your beautiful babies seem to fall asleep while eating blankets.

  5. I love Smoochy Girl just crashed out in the middle of the floor. It's like she was toddling off to her room to play but had to stop for a rest halfway.

  6. I could do that... in fact quite often I feel I could just lay right down here on my floor of my office and just snooze away.

  7. The very first picture is my favorite - unfortunately, when I myself fall asleep like that, it isn't nearly as cute, and is typically accompanied by much snoring and drooling. :D

  8. there really is nothing cuter than a sleeping baby. And hey at least they are sleeping.

  9. I like the one on the floor. I think I've crashed like that a few times, albeit following a rough night of, well, socializing... *smirk*

    Kids sleeping. It's a good thing.

  10. I can't imagine what it would be like to wake up on a floor.


Thanks for picking up a ukulele and taking a potshot!