07 December 2008


This photo was taken when Sonny Ma-Jiminy was two years old. I gave birth to Smoochy Girl three weeks after this photo was taken.

Me: Look Sonny, there's a picture of us making meatballs. That's you sitting on the bench rolling some meatballs. That's me there. And look at my big tummy! Why do you think it's so big?

(long pause for thought)

Sonny: Rubbish Food!


  1. you guys are just so cute together. That is totally making me hungry for meatball. I think I may make some, tomorrow.

  2. You have been awarded on tinsenpup. Please, please don't feel you have to do anything with this. It is just an opportunity to let you know that I appreciate your blog.

  3. I'm assuming that's the same thing we call junk food. Glad you were able to kick the habit! You must be feeling so much better now. ;-)

  4. kids are so funny. My 5yo asked me why my co-worker had a big tummy (shes overweight), I mumbled someting like eating lots of food, just hope she doesn't ask the co-worker herself!

  5. I tell my kids that junk food gives them a "spotty botty". That way, we avoid the "f" word, and they can't say something embarassing to larger people.

    And nobody wants a spotty botty.

  6. Kids--they call it like they see it!

  7. I have never thought about making meatballs with the kids. Sounds likee something they can really help with.


Thanks for picking up a ukulele and taking a potshot!