19 December 2008

I honestly think your blog is scrap

That's NOT what this award means, if I understand correctly. Dee from Downunder was kind enough to offer me this award.
Here is a short explanation about this award: "Scrap means left over, fragments, discarded material. Many times truth and honesty are discarded material, considered fragments and left over. People like us need to tell it like it is, and let the scraps fall where they will."

And if that wasn't enough, Sassy Britches honoured me with this award:

The translation I believe says, "Please donate much in gold to this blogger, her writings will change the world." Either that, or "This blog invests and believes in the PROXIMITY" which has to do with ... "nearness in space, time and relationships! These blogs are exceedingly charming. These kind bloggers aim to find and be friends. They are not interested in prizes or self-aggrandizement. Our hope is that when the ribbons of these prizes are cut, even more friendships are propagated. Please give more attention to these writers! Deliver this award to eight bloggers who must choose eight more and include this cleverly-written text into the body of their award."

In total, the tasks I must complete in order to accept these awards are to list 10 really honest things bout myself and nominate a grand total of 15 other bloggers to pass the award/s on to, preferably people who have not already received them. This is far too much for me to contemplate on a Friday.

Argh! Who hasn't received an award like this yet? Please tell me and I'll nominate you!

Tinsenpup? Mrs Tantrum? Adelaine? Help!


  1. Good grief! That IS a lot to contemplate, especially at this crazy time of year!!! Let us know how it goes! And I keep forgetting that you're ahead of me! It's Thursday night here!

  2. Look at you getting some good bloggy bling. Yeah!!!! Congrats to you!

  3. Wow you are really raking in the awards!!!!

    And no, I have not ever had an award bestowed upon my bloggy self...

  4. I'm over from SITS! Congrats on your award! I got that one a little while back, too! Hope you have a great weekend!

  5. Aww, sorry! Save them up for when you have a blog mental blank

  6. Well done my little award-winning bloggy friend.

  7. Ok, that is a whole new phrasing thing for me. But it sounds reasonable enough, and I get that it's a good thing, so Cangrats on the award, much deserved.

  8. I've added one badge to my blog, and it took forever, and now I've forgotten how to anyway. And they make my dialup load my blog soooo slowly!

    Blissfully Badgeless, that's me.

  9. Um yeah, congratulations and good luck with that. Seriously, that award post I did took me DAYS. I mean it was fun and all, but DAYS...


Thanks for picking up a ukulele and taking a potshot!