11 December 2008

300th post

To celebrate my 300th post, we got a new kitchen table.

Actually, that's not true. We got a new kitchen table because our old one looked like this:

We bought our new one in faith, having only seen a picture of it in a catalogue with chairs, not the bench seats we wanted. We really didn't know what it would look like. But we like it. Just as well.

Sigh. Such a nice table, such a shocking phone camera on which to take pictures of it. All I want for Christmas is ... this. (I just have simple tastes.)


  1. Looks good enough to eat off.....handy if you don't have plates!
    Makes sense to get something you need. Much better than giving someone else a gift for all the work you have done!

  2. Ooh, shiny! And looks like a solid table too. I dream of a table that won't shake if I bump into it. It looks like it needs a nice dinner to christen it... what time would you like us all there?

  3. I ADORE the bench seats! Fabulous new addition.

  4. I Love it!!!!

    And I love benches... they remind me of my grandparent's place.

  5. Very cute!

    Please let me know how those bench seats work out for you! I would love bench seats but loathe us setting on a bench in a restaurant and Uno having to use the bathroom.....clear out the bench and reload...

  6. It looks very swish!!!! I hope it made your day!! :)
    HOw nice to have new furniture! The bench seats looks awesome!!

    Congrats on 300 posts BTW!!

  7. This is beautiful! I bet Nana Tantrum is drooling over it. I think it is the kind she always wanted us to have.

    I am curious how the former table ended up so damaged though?

  8. Fantastic table!! Oh, I love the benches. I've always wanted benches. I still do. Now I can just oogle over yours.

    And, congrats on the 300th post! Woohoo! Very impressive!! Must be that clean, fresh Aussie air down there infusing your brain with so much creativity.

  9. Congratulations on getting to 300 posts AND the new table. It looks classic and elegant (just like your blog!) and I am suitably impressed.

    I am curious about the bench seats, too. I think you'd be more easily able to squish up when you had unexpected guests. So all I have to do is work out when I'm organising the surprise party at your place. he, he, he.

  10. Now that's what I'm talking about!!! Very, very snazzy!! I'm happy for you!!

    Also thank you for leaving such a beautiful comment on the story about my son.

  11. that is one beautiful table and I so hope that your wishes come true.

  12. Your old table looked fine.

    I don't know what your were complaining about! ;)

  13. Your first pictures are of MY table! How did you get in my home? lol!

  14. I'm a little freaked - you have the same table & bench seats as us! *LOL* Isn't that the BEST set?

    Crazy Sister's S-I-L

  15. I adore life milestone stories like this one! LOVE the new table too!

    I'm especially taken by your half decorated Christmas tree. :) Don't worry, you'll be able to decorate the whole thing in a few years.


  16. thats a great looking table, love the bench seats


Thanks for picking up a ukulele and taking a potshot!