08 November 2008

He melts my heart

I love this kid. He says the most amazing things and through them he shows that he's way ahead of me.

He loves his father, his mother, his sister and his dog, and he's not afraid to throw his arms around our necks and tell us so.

He's fearless in the water with his floaties and his flippers. He's (usually) gentle with animals and with the little sister he loves so much. He's joyful when playing Pass The Pigs, Guess Who or car-driving games on Daddy's iPhone. He's always full of bright ideas, many of which we can't possibly try out, much to his disappointment.

He tries big words and often uses them well even if he can't pronounce them, like 'ridiculous'. Even today he loudly proclaimed that something was 'dickly-ous', and whatever it was, I agreed with him. He also asked lots of questions regarding why our bank's ATM wouldn't accept our cash for depositing, and ended up concluding that our bank was a lazy bank. Spot on again.

Anyone who asks his age is told that he is 'three years and seven months' which is described as being 'nearly three and a half, but it's a little bit bigger.'

And at night one of my favourite activities is to creep into his room and watch him sleeping.

It's the only time his dear sweet mouth is still.


  1. He sounds a lovely little soul.Very cute too.

  2. Awwww, such cuteness!! I've encountered many a dicklyous thing myself.

    We love Pass the Pigs here at my house - my hubby and I even played it on the plane en route to our honeymoon. (Yes, sadly, we preferred remaining in our seats playing a game that uses pigs for dice instead of even attempting to join the fabled Mile High Club.)

    How did you do these photo montages? Was it online or software you own? They're so great and I have Christmas presents for many grandparents, aunts and uncles to begin creating....

  3. Awesome photos (again).

    One of my girls was a talker like that too. Now she is a talker and a writer. Maybe he'll be a writer like you, with his love of trying new words and need to analyze...

  4. I love the photos and I so know what you mean about sneaking into the room to see them sleeping. I do that same thing and sometimes even hold my big little guy. It reminds me of when he was small and used to fit in my arms.

  5. Gotta love Momma's boys! I'm the same way with my Dos - all he has to do is look at me with his big blue eyes and I'm a gonner!

    Hey - I erased your comment off my other blog only because of the mention of this blog. My SIL is the blog police and I want to keep this blog away from her so I can fully express myself and keep myself away from her judgement. I just wanted you to know it was nothing personal!

    Oh, and I love your "name"! I'm sure that is obvious since Tres' name is a version of it :)

  6. your little boy is a book end for my little boy - divine age - I hope we can recall this when they are 15 years old and maybe ugly with teen angst ! le

  7. Oh, I sure love that little face. My little faces are changing fast due to the Teeth Falling Out. I love hearing that people are taking the time to cherish the sweetness. Awesome pics!

  8. Who wouldn't love that face, but ESPECIALLY that face's MOMMY!!!

    I love it when they use big words, especially when they get the context right.

    You should be very proud of the little man you are raising there.


Thanks for picking up a ukulele and taking a potshot!