27 November 2008

Happy Thanksgiving - it's the little things...

I am thankful for ...

- My trip to visit my parents and Crazy Sister, Harpo, and Peanut

- A safe trip home

- Sonny Ma-Jiminy's kindy, which (although it has given me no end of stress this year) he LOVES

- My two lovely children, who were gorgeous in the car all the way back from kindy and around the supermarket getting a few groceries for dinner ...

- ... and who then accompanied me outside so I could collect the mail and take the bins in from the kerb

- Smoochy Girl who walked with me the whole way

- Sonny Ma-Jiminy, who kept busy watching the water I emptied from the bins trickle down the gutter to the drain

- the endless opportunities to keep humble, like when I came back from doing the bins only to find that Sonny had given up watching the water, gone inside, hit the button on the automatic garage door and locked me out.

- my neighbours who (to my knowledge) didn't take a video of me knocking on my own door, ringing my own bell and shouting, "SONNY! OPEN THE GARAGE DOOR FOR ME PLEASE!!" and post it on youtube.

- The incredible cuteness of a nearly-4-year-old boy wandering around upstairs (wondering where the food was and why I wasn't giving it to him) suddenly realising he'd locked me out and saying, "OH!" in that gorgeous, vacant, innocent Oh-I-Completely-Forgot voice

- That he's cool enough to tramp downstairs and let me in.


  1. LOL @ Sonny... CC once locked me out too.....

  2. So the automatic door is currently working again? That's wonderful!

    I'm ashamed to say that I wish I'd been there - but not to comfort you and help you. No I could have done with the giggle.

    PS I'm glad you were let back in.

  3. Hahaha! Been there except with a screen door that is easy to accidentally lock....I have even broke into my own house a few time thanks to that door!

    Happy Thanksgiving (do you do Thanksgiving in Australia? - I'm clueless)!!!

  4. Hmmm....I'd keep checking YouTube if I were you. ;-)

    Is it actually Thanksgiving down there in OZ? We celebrated Thanksgiving in October up here in Canada.

  5. Yeah, what about that Thanksgiving in Australia thing? Oh, and glad your kid let you back in. when mine was 2-ish he managed to lock himself in a kidseat, that happened to be sitting in the livingroom, after he locked me out.

    now I carry TWO sets of keys.

  6. I love this! Thanks for getting in the spirit with us. ;-)


Thanks for picking up a ukulele and taking a potshot!