11 November 2008

The Cone Of Silence

Our Cone Of Silence is one of our most fun toys. Look at us discussing our State Secrets!


  1. Look at how beautiful you and your kids look playing together and having a great time.

  2. now where did that term come from ... I remember using it at around 14 years old when the maths teacher would send us to the back of the class for meing naughty - we said we were in the 'cone of silence' !!

  3. Cone of silence is from Get Smart?

    Those are cute pics - I need one just for me when the girls get going at 100 decibels

  4. I used to do this when mine were little!

    We also hid under laundry baskets. And afterwards, I'd push them around the house in the baskets making car noises. :)


Thanks for picking up a ukulele and taking a potshot!