20 October 2008

Performance Anxiety!

I am suffering from a large dose of performance anxiety regarding my ability to cook anything good in my new kitchen. I have become certain that I will mess up any recipe I cook in it, despite the word "Competence" being plainly displayed on the lower edge of my new oven.

The retailer who sold me the appliances runs free workshops for customers to learn how to use the appliances we've bought.

I think I need to sign up.


  1. That would be interesting to do. You never know what you might learn (like deciphering the little pictographs, for example).

  2. If only they would come to you and show you how to cook. They could maybe turn up at about 5:30 each night and "show" you how to cook something and then serve it to the family. Then maybe "show" you how to wash up? maybe every night?

    Now that would be a great service!

  3. That's a great idea, LDHBE.

    You're an awesome cook, though, sis. All ovens are different, but it won't take you long to get to know each other.

  4. I know, it has been 3 years with our new stuff and I still don't know all the tricks. Take the class.

  5. Well... just go for it.... then you'll know if your smoke detector is working!

  6. Cook something you KNOW you are goos at... You are VERY good at apple pie & chicken risotto mmmmmm

  7. A ha ha! Kitchens! Pretty to look at!

  8. Tagged you for a meme!



Thanks for picking up a ukulele and taking a potshot!