07 October 2008

I has shiny polished floor!

And not much else yet.

This may be the first time since I moved in that my kitchen hasn't had mess in it

I keep looking at the plans of the new kitchen, and where most people would say, "That'll be great," or "there will be so much extra storage space," I find myself saying, "Wow I could make some really big messes in there

I don't think that's the normal thing to say.


  1. The messes will look much fancier now. :-)

  2. The floor is beautiful!!!

    lol - i think that way too :) I'm thinking about all that space in the mancave and wondering exactly how long it will take the little tikes to toy it up. :)

  3. WOW! Is that really your house? Or are you tricking us?

  4. beautiful floor. I love the color.

  5. Who would have thought that those old boards would have come up so well. That floor looks better than ours! (Of course it does, it's shiny and new, ours is scratched)

    You dream of your big messes. Make them spectacular!


Thanks for picking up a ukulele and taking a potshot!