30 September 2008

K-minus 6 days

It is now 6 days until K-Day (K=kitchen), the day when the old kitchen comes out. There will be ripping, chucking, sanding, polishing and installing, and four days later I've been told I will have a brand spanking new kitchen in there. It will look a little like this, but please picture pale wood-grain cupboard doors and a darkish stone benchtop (who knows where the pictured colours came from?!)

Today was the only child-free day I will have for packing things away into boxes before K-Day. It feels much too early to start thinking of that, but necessity is the mother of Doing-Things-At-Silly-Times, so with the help of my wonderful parents who came to visit, I started.

It really was good to have a little help! Thanks Mum and Dad! They must love me a lot, because packing away the kitchen was a ghastly job. We only got 30% of it done today.

It was all, "What do you want to do with this?" and "I have no idea," and "Do you want me to help you clean the top of the fridge?" and "No no, it's too awful, I'd better do that job myself," and "Will I pack this stuff into this box?" and "No we'll need that every day so I'll put it um-I-don't-know-where," and "Should I put this downstairs?" and "No, I'll never ever find it again," and "Should I put it on top of the TV then?" and "No, that would just be really wrong," and "I'll put it on top of the fridge then," and "Okay whatever go ahead knock yourself out."

So now, six whole days before K-Day, I can't find anything (even though Mum labelled all the boxes really clearly). I am using breakfast bowls to strain pasta, I am using an electric frypan to boil vegetables, and I am using lunchboxes for leftovers.

And there are six days until work starts in the kitchen. This means there are ten days until it's finished.

Ten days, people! Ten days of cooking in conditions more confusing than Cooking While Camping In Tents! Imagine it!

I am going to need some serious prayer.


  1. Oh, but it will be SO worth it. That kitchen is going to be amazing. Besides, it will be an excellent opportunity for a spring clean. :)

  2. Hello! So glad you found Where the blog are you? Love your blog!! Thank you so much for your Posts that made me cry section down the side...I never got back to Stretch Marks after she lost her baby. It was wonderful to read of the adoption!! So great that you've got it linked here! Looking forward to reading heaps more of you!!

  3. Thinking of and praying for you in the middle of kitchen change-over. Within 2 weeks of the beautiful new kitchen you won't even remember the problems.

  4. i am definitely having kitchen envy! it looks so nice...

    i don't, however, envy the cooking portion of that remodel. i guess there's always grilling.

  5. I don't envy you at all. That has got to be terrible to have your life in so much chaos. Just keep telling yourself that it will be worth it in the end.

  6. Oh bother! I'd seriously be looking for somewhere to earn a few extra bucks for some Happy Meals!

  7. I love the kitchen, but totally missed the total horrible-ness of the next 10 days. During the whole bed-bug fiasco at least you could still cook (although you did have other stuff stored in cardboard boxes in the kitchen which can't have been easy). I think the kitchen topsy-turvy is definitely worse, BUT...

    You can do it. It's now only 9 days and counting. If I lived closer I'd bring you my savory mince left-overs to be reheated (I'd bring the microwave as well if necessary). Do you all want to come for tea? There's plenty, and I'm only half joking.

  8. Love the design...it will be worth all of the stress and headaches you're feeling now!! Is take out an option?

  9. Take a leaf out of your "How To Cope With Bedbugs" tactics, and move it all under your deck.

    Cook with your BBQ and hose down the dishes for the next 10 days.

    Heck, I think I might even try that.

  10. One day I'll be doing this! The kitchen in our new home is, in a word, ugly.
    We're moving now and the strainer somehow made it to the new house, so I have been using makeshift strainers too lately. Primitive, I tell you!
    Good luck, just keep your eye on the prize, I bet it's going to be beautiful!

  11. Wow!! It's going to look so different!! Good different!! How nice!
    And 10 days (well 9 now) that will fly! Just remember that one of those meals will be in my pokey dokey kitchen :D

  12. This adventure will make for great kitchen disaster blogging! Or takeout attempt calling stories! Either way in the end I am pretty sure that you will be sleeping in there for the next few months!

    It has to be easier and better than in a motorhome kitchen with no water for a month! (Yes, I will blog that tale soon...I promise!)

  13. we redid our kitchen a couple of years ago and it was a NIGHTMARE while being changed out but SOOOooOO worth it in the end! Some of thepics on my blog show it in the background if you want to take a gander. I'm so proud of that room. The rest of the house needs to catch up!


Thanks for picking up a ukulele and taking a potshot!