01 September 2008

I'd better do a meme!

My apologies to all who have tagged me for memes over the last few months and haven't had anything from me in return! I am now overwhelMEMEd and hardly know which meme to start on. I was trying to make my own - combine aspects of a whole heap of memes into a poem but the whole thing fell apart in the first verse and it was quite appalling. So instead I'll do one that I found when I was tagged by Jen from Buried with Children.

I'm going to tell you two quirks about each of the people in my family. Please feel free to leave and read another blog when you get bored.

1. I have a terrible phobia of the hotplates on our stove. Once I've taken a pan off a roasting hotplate, I have to get a clean saucepan and fill it with water to cover the hotplate with until it cools down. For this reason, I am splurging on an induction cooktop in my new kitchen.
2. I have a cowlick in my left eyebrow. What's with that?

Mr de Elba:

1. He played the cello all throughout school. I'm sure he could play something now, but there aren't many opportunities to pull out your stringed instruments from highschool.
2. He loves playing a game with the kids that we call "Rough And Tumble On The Big Bed". It involves him and one of the kids doing rough play on our bed. He recently broke our new post-bedbug bed by jumping on it when playing R&TotBB with Sonny Ma-Jiminy.

Sonny Ma-Jiminy:
1. He was 5lb 1oz when he was born but he always seemed to have these big Boy-Feet (even thought they were small). They're a bit like flippers. And he LOVES swimming. His flipper feet are much bigger now, and I love looking at them, remembering when they were the same shape, but tiny.
2. He has a fierce temper and is an Alpha. For this reason, I was terrified I wouldn't parent him well, and raise a difficult child for my first. I was worried he would cause problems for future children, setting a bad example. I wish I hadn't worried - he is a lovely kid and his strength of character will be good as he rubs off on Smoochy Girl.
Smoochy Girl:
1. She has only just started walking at 16 months. She was in no rush to sit, to crawl or to walk. But when she started, she was very certain of herself and hardly ever fell over.
2. When she was born, I thought she was a gentle delicate little thing, the opposite of Sonny Ma-Jiminy in personality. How wrong I was. They are cut from the same cloth. She can be fierce.
Puppity Doggity:
1. She was the smallest in her litter, but the first to open her eyes, try solid food and escape from the whelping box.
2. She has a fear of a step about two-thirds up the flight onto the deck. She always baulks there, she usually tries to run through the 'danger zone' too quickly and therefore she sometimes trips, reinforcing her fear.


  1. Smoochy's walking! That's awesome!

    Speaking of cellos, I got mine out and played it yesterday, and now my fingers feel like they're on fire. I think any instrument that requires you to have thick calluses is pretty hardcore.

  2. I am glad that you liked this. I thought it was fun too. Thanks for playing.


Thanks for picking up a ukulele and taking a potshot!