08 August 2008

UnReal Beauty

I just saw this today. Have you seen it? Hope you like it as much as I did.

Charm is deceitful and beauty is vain,
But a woman who fears the LORD, she shall be praised.
Proverbs 31:30


  1. And as an addendum, who doesn't like a good parody?


  2. I have seen that before - unreal isn't it?

    There are also some on youtube where they take regular girl and photoshop her into a bombshell.

    Nice post :)

  3. How fascinating. It's really sad that our girls buy into the crap they see on tv and billboards. I hope that I can instill a sense of self worth in my daughter that no matter what she looks like, she is beautiful.
    And what a shame that the male population of this planet (well not all of them) buy into this beauty thing.

  4. First time for me...AMEN!!!

  5. I have seen it & I love it!!

  6. She is beautiful without the retouching, so why do they need to distort her? Thanks for sharing.

  7. That is really neat and so true. I love your verse at the end, awesome post. I wish that every little girl who has a body image problem could see/read this.

  8. oooh seen that one, got to go look up the parody one now.

  9. Slob Evolution, that was funny, Thanks.

  10. I've got 2 girls, and I think they're pretty satisfied with themselves. I teach high school, though, and see a lot of girls who aren't. It's a battle we'll have to continue to fight!

  11. Umm, have not heard from you in a while. Everything alright?

  12. I'm hoping that the radio silence just means that you are enjoying a short break away that you were hoping to get last time I talked to you. Otherwise, I'd be worried.

  13. Amazing. I can't believe what they can do nowadays. A good point to be made.


Thanks for picking up a ukulele and taking a potshot!