02 August 2008

Mess Mosaic

There's just so much mess at my place right now. Like a giant has grabbed the house, given it a good shake, and replaced it. I think I've used that description before, but it still applies.

I was wondering what to do about it? Attack it madly, or make lists and work through it systematically?

I decided that I'd start by trying some glamour photography of the mess.

Hmm. Turns out it's still mess, however you look at it.


  1. That is just so beautiful! And how strange to think that it's just a short phase of your life - one day you'll find those photos on your computer and realise you have nothing like that in your neat, quiet house any more.

  2. Forgot to say - today Harpo was making a huge banging noise on the front window. Turns out he was trying to hit a fly... WITH A UKULELE.

  3. Your mess is quite lovely, actually. Hmmm...

    You're right, I probably wouldn't spend time on The Black Blog. But since we all have our moments, it's good to acknowledge them.

  4. I think your little collage makes the mess look really neat!

    So can you actually find the x missing out of the puzzle? Before Tres was born, we did some renovations of the playroom and I tossed quite a few puzzles because the pieces were no where to be found!

  5. Wow, your mess looks fantastic! I'm off to take photos of my laundry and dirty dishes!

  6. That same giant seems to have stopped over here too and the funny thing is that we weren't even home.
    If you figure out what to do, please share.

  7. Your photography is inspiring. It makes sense out of mess. I go bonkers when there's mess around and have to start shoving things in baskets and closets and making it appear organized. Later I lament my actions and have to buy more baskets and closets to hide the ever expanding mess. There should be a law against those giants! And I love your newly designed site.

  8. That is not what mine would look like. You would see cracker crumbs and lost of broken toys. My kids are a mess!! lol

  9. Wanna swap messes? Mine involves a lot more dirt.


Thanks for picking up a ukulele and taking a potshot!