30 August 2008

Has the place been RANSACKED or did I leave it like this?

I've often asked myself that on re-entering a disaster zone.

But on Friday, the correct answer was "We've been ransacked."

See? I knew that if I waited, I'd have something to blog about.

And the deadbeat DIDN'T come through the garage door with it's hopeless little screwdriver setup. I know you were wondering.

While Mr de Elba and I were at work, Sonny Ma-Jiminy was at kindy and Smoochy Girl was at Aunty's place, some deadbeat broke in and stole both our laptops, digital camera, video camera, bluetooth headset, an old mobile phone and an external hard drive.

Not much that can't be replaced except for Mr de Elba's laptop which contained lots of important documents, but a whole lot of hassle and stress for us in the meantime.

I guess that now I'll get a cold prickly feeling whenever I return to the house and ask myself, "Has the place been RANSACKED or did I leave it like this?"


  1. Oh no! I am sooooo sorry! I hope that your stress is kept to a minimum and things are resolved quickly. I will be praying for you and your family!

  2. That totally sucks. I hope your insurance company blesses you with a bounty of new things, I hope the cops catch the deadbeats, I hope you emotionally re-claim your territory, I hope you put a sign on your door like "No Lockpicking Losers Allowed".

  3. Yikes, how unsettling! I'll be praying for you as you put the pieces back together. May everyone sleep peacefully in the days ahead.

  4. Yikes, that sucks :( Did you call the police and file a report straight away? Good luck dealing with the insurance, send me a msg if there is anything you don't understand about the process.

    I hate people that have nothing better to do with their lives than live off stealing from others. Why can't those losers go out and get a JOB if they want something instead of taking what someone else has had to work hard for? :(

  5. Yeah, no good whatsoever. Except for that each of you was out of the house. That's really good.
    And yes, so creepy to come home now, wondering if it could happen again. I'm sorry.

  6. I am SO SAD to hear about this. I can only think now that you are a little sad that you didn't have at least one or two of those icky bed bugs around to infest that freaks hair or clothes. (Not that he would have noticed, but maybe it would have motivated him to repent!) Here is to better things, and a feeling of security, and a great big hug from Seattle because you are all safe!

  7. I'm so sorry that this happened to you. I can't imagine having someone in the safe, private retreat that is my home. I can't imagine what it would be like to not only lose my computer, but the external drive I use for back-up.

    I love Mrs Tantrum's response. I hope that they DO get bed bugs. At times like this I wish I was an Old Testament Covenant person, rather than a New Testament Covenant person.

    They had more fun: Sic the bears onto them; call down hellfire and brimstone; send a plague of locusts, or frogs, or bedbugs?

    But I have to forgive the cretins (I mean poor, lost souls), pray for them, love my enemies...

    And so I remember Adrian Plass - I shall imagine myself scrawling "I forgive you for this assault on my mate's home"... on the bonnet of their car with a sharp implement.

  8. PS - I know a good security screen manufacturer. If that helps.

  9. I hate to hear about this. Let's hope these deadbeats are caught! Glad you all are ok.

  10. That just bites. So sorry. My thoughts are with you from over here in Texas.


  11. That's awful, Givinya. I'm so sorry.

  12. So sorry! Someone tried to break into our house a number of years ago. They didn't get in, but I felt icky about it for a long time.

    Can't imagine how you're feeling...hope they get caught soon, or at least whacked with a ukelele or an elba. Glad you have some fun stuff to look forward to!

  13. We've had that happen once before- horrible feeling, I am sorry. Check pawn shops for your computers, the thief likely doesn't plan to keep them.

  14. Oh no! While I was off on vacay with my family, you were being burgled? How horrible! (Sorry for the belated comment - I'm just now starting to catch up on all the posts I missed everywhere with a week without the internet!)

    I hope that things were easily resolved with the authorities, insurance, etc. We've been fortunate never to have had our home broken into, though Hubby's car was burgled once and my MIL had her apt broken into and robbed as well. Scary and stressful! (hugs)


Thanks for picking up a ukulele and taking a potshot!