22 July 2008

Part Two of Yesterday

It was early but again Smoochy Girl was bathed and dressed. Just like last night, she cuddled in close with her head on my shoulder.

We settled down in the chair beside the cot for a long cuddle. Sonny Ma-Jiminy was fed and bathed, and he was playing in the living room.

Smoochy's small body was fresh and warm from her bath and wrapped up in warm pyjamas. She sucked her wrap as she nestled in close to me with her head on my chest.

I held her close and she looked up into my eyes. Then her head sprang up as she watched Sonny burst into the room again. "I need a nappy change," he proclaimed. "Okay," I sighed. "Just go and play with your toys and I'll be with you in a little while to change it."

Smoochy put her head down on my chest again, and her sweet breaths puffed onto my neck. The she bounced up as Sonny burst in again. "Hey Mum!" "Sshhh!" "Can you come and help me build a tall, tall tower?" "Soon, just wait for me to finish here."

We cuddled some more. I sang. She hummed. Sonny reappeared and Smoochy's head turned to him again. "Hey Mum! What can I eat?" "Sweetheart, please wait for me outside. I'm just cuddling Smoochy, then I'll come and change your nighttime nappy, okay?"

Smoochy snuggled down once again and I felt the warmth of her body against me. I murmured to her and her dark eyes looked up again. Then they snapped towards the door as Sonny crashed in again. "Mum, look at me do this. Can you do this? I can stand on one foot and shake my hands! Can you stand on one foot and shake your hands?"

"Ooh, please don't jump like that Sonny!"

"Oh no."


"I think I've got poo on my toe."

Sigh. "Goodnight Smoochy. We'll have a cuddle tomorrow night. Maybe."


  1. Sonny STILL is quite toilet trained, but the nighttime nappy is still the place of choice for anything smelly. So what should be "only one nappy a day" is really "one nappy unless..."

  2. Aw, so nice...as long as you ignore the poo, of course, but then, isn't it amazing how adept you can become at ignoring poo, given enough opportunities to practice?

  3. I am so glad that is one thing I don't have to mess with. God bless you!

  4. Oh that whole situation is all to familiar to me. I know it well.
    Very funny, though.

  5. Ewwww....what is it with poo issues lately? hahaha

  6. I will never read your blog again while eating a sandwich.

  7. I am so sorry everybody. Just a little island of poo stories in between the rest. Hold tight - I have a garbage bin story in the works ...

  8. how sweet! i'm so looking forward to these moments :)


Thanks for picking up a ukulele and taking a potshot!