30 June 2008

Australia's Wonderful Animals

Well, it's here! Kids Games! It will be a long exhausting week, and I suspect it will be pretty stressful too, because the lead-up has seen my blood pressure skyrocket. It seems I have to fit in a trip to the doctor this week to discuss my hypertension medication.

If I can make it through the Kids Holiday program and simultaneous management of my own health and household satisfactorily, for a few days next week (7 July to 9 July) I will be bundling my kids (and probably a lot of laundry!) into the car and heading off to visit Aunty Crazy Sister in her new home. That thought is keeping me going.

This week, I'll schedule some posts for you. If I have anything else to blog about, I'll do that. But for the moment, I'll see if I can find some of my favourite songs from our Aussie comedy acts to keep you laughing. Here is one for today.

Some of my commenters ask about Australia. I thought this would be of interest.


  1. It is unanimous! We no longer have any desire to come to Australia. We would be the ones who "accidentally got killed" by a blue ringed octopus. Maybe you could make that 42 day trip by kayak to Seattle instead? It is very safe here!

  2. Well. if it's any consolation, you don't have to deal with skunks or bears...

  3. Best wishes for the Games. I hope it all goes swimmingly and that your blood pressure behaves.

  4. I don't see why the song (or your blog) don't mention drop bears. You'd think that with an increasing American audience that this is a perfect opportunity to scare them off forever. :) Jen.

  5. I am getting ready for work (it's 6:30am in Texas) and thought I'd read a few posts....the Come To Australia video made me spew coffee - thanks!

  6. I love that video! Hilarious! Can't wait to show my own crazy sister!

  7. Well Australia is officially off the list! Or at least I have a better sence of the crazy ways I could die.

    Try a winter in Chicago, that could kill you too...

    SITS sister!


Thanks for picking up a ukulele and taking a potshot!