05 May 2008

Level Four Questions

Our conversations are a mixture of grown-up language, surreal miscommunication and non-sequiturs.

Sonny Ma-Jiminy: Gwam-Mar is putting Smoochy in the bath.

Me: Oh that's great. Grandma's a champion. Smoochy will be clean so she can hop straight in the cot when we get home.

SMJ: Smoochy's crying pretty loud for Gwam-Mar.

Me: Why is that?

SMJ: She's wevvy tired. She's wevvy, wevvy tired.

Me: Oh, poor Smoochy. Well, poor Grandma, really.

SMJ: Why is Smoochy in the bath?

Me: What? To -er- get clean. That's why people usually have -um- baths. Did you forget?!?

SMJ: Why is it a bath?

Me: What?

SMJ: Why is it a bath?

Me: I'm not sure what you're asking. Are you asking why a bath is called a 'bath'?

SMJ: Yeah.

Me: Oooo-kay. I guess it's because that was the word - the name - they gave it. The bath. When they were naming -er- baths.

SMJ: Why?

Me: I'm not sure.

SMJ: Why not?

Me: I don't know the answer to that. Look, are you going to have a bath too before we go home?

SMJ: No.

Me: Hmm. Why is that?

SMJ (mentally searching the archives of "Answers to 'Why Is That?' Questions", and coming up with 'most recent answers'): Because she's wevvy wevvy tired.


Level Four Questions. Can ask them, can't answer them.


  1. The answer to any question that you don't know the answer to is "Because I am the Mom and I said so."

    At least until they are bigger than we are or can use Google. Then the answer is "Why don't you go ask Google why it is called a bath smart ass?"


  2. This made me giggle... Just spent a couple of hours this afternoon doing some PD that incorporated Blank's question levels! I'm sure he'll get there in the next couple of years.

  3. Glad it gave you a smile. I was wondering if any non-SLPs would get it?!? Probably not. It's obscure - wevvy, wevvy obscure.

  4. I must admit I wondered about the question levels, but thought it was some strange Speechy concept. I got my honarary degree in OT, not in Speech! Glad to know I was on the right track.



Thanks for picking up a ukulele and taking a potshot!