27 May 2008

Dog Minus Tail, Plus Beard

I like beards on nobody except dogs. Here is a neighbour's dog with a great beard. I call him "Dean The Wonderdog."
He's great. This is because Puppity Doggity likes him. After a stressful few months when Puppity Doggity bit a few strangers' dogs and we came to the awful realisation that we had a 'problem dog', it's great to see her getting on well with another furry, licky, waggy (sort-of) friend.

She is still hyper-submissive to big dogs, hyper-aggressive to small dogs, and hyper-stupid with human visitors, but it's great to see her play nicely with Dean and continue to be a perfect pet with Sonny Ma-Jiminy and Smoochy Girl.

Still, she's bitten three unfamilar dogs now and therefore I'll never be able to fully trust her with any dog or even my kids.

But for the moment, she's playing nicely with Dean.

She must be a Beard Gal.

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Thanks for picking up a ukulele and taking a potshot!