12 April 2008

An on and on and on ...

More bed bugs. Sixth pest treatment. Liquid chemical on carpet (again) and gas throughout house. Had to vacate today. Washing didn't get done. Massive backlog. Kids still lovely but with crazy behaviour. Currently waking an hour before dawn. Dog still stupid. Blood pressure medication no match for pile of stressors higher than pile of washing to be folded. Too tired and depressed to say much more.


  1. OH NO!!! I can't believe that they are not DEAD. Maybe they are ones that survived a nuclear bomb or something? Or are they a SUPER BEDBUG created from too many antibiotics?

    If I was closer I would fold the laundry for you and swear at the bedbugs. I am sure that my American accent would scare them to death.

  2. Oh sweetie, thankyou! Yesterday we had the sixth treatment (with the gas and everything) and last night I was bitten and I think Sonny Ma-Jiminy was too. We found two live ones on the walls this morning. I'm getting really worried. But as I say, I'm hanging on to life BY MY TEETH, so I'm good until my teeth fall out - maybe another 30 or 40 years in me!

    Sorry I keep blogging about this - it must be awful for you logging on for a dose of funny and instead getting me moaning about bed bugs.

  3. ((HUGS)) ((HUGS)) ((HUGS)) ((HUGS))

    This totally sux!!!! Poo to bed bugs!


Thanks for picking up a ukulele and taking a potshot!