20 April 2008

Chicken Dreams

Last night I dreamed a man dressed in a giant chicken suit offered me a huge novelty cheque if I could sew an elastic loop onto his hat. I told him I couldn't do it because I didn't have a needle and thread on me. He then squatted down and laid an enormous egg which cracked open and hundreds of bed bugs came out and started crawling into the sheets we'd brought for Sonny Ma-Jiminy to have his rest on at kindy.

Save me now.


  1. What a horrid dream!!! It sounds like you need a get away! ((hugs))

  2. Are you certain that the blogging is helping?

    After all, if you don't blog it, it doesn't exist...

  3. Well yes you make a good point there. But it's worth it if one day you're looking for a picture to put on your blog and a google image search comes up with a picture of a person in a chicken suit holding a giant novelty cheque.


Thanks for picking up a ukulele and taking a potshot!