16 March 2008

Plague, Pestilence & Parasite Pyjamas

So the evacuation of two whole rooms is currently underway, so we can be absolutely certain we'll kill all the bed bugs. We don't want to do a half-hearted effort only to find that we weren't thorough enough, and we have to do the whole thing again, properly!

While I was packing Sonny Ma-Jiminy's room up, I found last winter's pyjamas there waiting for cooler weather. And while I found them cute last winter, this year I'm shocked and horrified:Yep folks, Bed Bugs. What was I thinking? Well to be honest, last year I knew precious little about bed bugs. I had no idea how easy they were to get if you travel or camp, I had no idea what desecration they can wreak on your skin and I had no idea how difficult they were to get rid of. I wouldn't have thought they're cutesy-wootsie buggy-wuggies that belong on kids' pyjamas, but I guess I thought there were benign little things that could be dealt with using a can of Baygon.

I realised a scary thing. Somewhere out there, there must be a bunch of Kids Fashion Designers sitting around a table throwing around ideas for cool designs for Size 3 Boys pyjamas. Someone hazards, "What about parasites? We haven't done them since the Summer of '84." And amazingly, everyone nods and agrees. "Awesome idea: parasites! I like your thinking!"

So I've decided to join the madness and help them with their next range of pyjamas.

Now this is where my leet computing skillz fall down in a sad sorry heap. I can't use Photoshop. I'm hopeless. This is strange, when I can use Adobe Premiere Pro to edit videos and I'm familiar with using layers from making pretty pictures in Ultra Fractal 4. However, I've never learned how to use Photoshop, so I'm a complete dummy from here in. I've managed to navigate my way around a few basic functions to make some designs in my own "Vermin Sleepwear" range, but as you will see, they're pretty miserable attempts at being clever.

The challenge is on! Are there any Leet Photoshoppers out there among you Lovely Lurkers (all 9 of you!) who could make a much better looking item in the Vermin Sleepwear range? Contact me through "Comments", and we'll go from there!


  1. Happy SITS day. I didn't comment last time, but I thought that just for today I should. Jen.

  2. All I can say is EWWWWW!

    I cracked up at your creations though!

  3. Gah! Your post gave me the heebies and I feel all itchy!

    Have a great SITS day!

  4. Ick ick and double ick o the bugs, but you know what? Somebody out there would buy those designs of yours. Go figure.

  5. Oo! Oo! You could have Ringworm nighties!

  6. What about Duck Itch Bathing Suits? Duck Itch is when bacteria from the ducks feces gets into your skin and makes you all rashy and itchy...sounds nice, right? WRONG!

  7. Funny what passes for cute when it is on the body of a small child!

    Your jammies look...um...er...uh...cozy enough. ;)

  8. Head Lice and intestinal worms are a nice touch. Perhaps you could add flesh-eating bacteria, that's always a nice thought as you're lying down to sleep.

  9. I've vowed that when we have children, the will never have clothing depicting gross things masquerading as cute.

  10. I'm no photo shop genius so I'll just throw out ideas:

    Chicken pox hand mitts... You know, to reduce scratching.

    Ring Worm jumper set... Could feature a lovely circle pattern fabric.

    or my personal favorite:

    Lyme Disease play set featuring the 'Target' bullseye because that's EXACTLY the pattern featured on the side of my daughters face after she got bitten by a Lyme Tick behind her right ear.

  11. I am cracking up! I love the lice pajamas...too funny! Congrats on being the Saucy SITSta of the day!

  12. I personally like Intestinal worms. Or how about blood sucking mosquito? Love your title, by the way!

  13. These are hilarious! And your skillz are good enough to get the point across :) I'm itching now.

  14. I just read an article about bed bugs. They're pretty horrible things. Sorry you met them! But I do LOVE your new creations :)

  15. If you wanted to expand beyond basic jammies, you could add things like "Spider Egg Sac" earrings, perhaps juuuust hatching with itty-bitty baby spiders crawling down the side... they could dangle off like chandelier earrings...

    I suppose it is wrong but I found the bed bug jammies cute! :D


  16. Hilarious and chicken pox is a must.

  17. Loved your pajamas! You have me beat on computer designing.

  18. Love the PJ's and congrats on being a SITS featured blogger today!

  19. How about all the bugs that come home with us from school? Stomach viruses, the flu and strep throat?

  20. Fabulous idea! I've battled head lice at least four times in my household, what better way to celebrate that than louse pjs!

  21. I think there are lots of little boys out there who would love the worm one!

    You need to do a scabies one, they are the worst to get rid of.

  22. Off to wash everyone's sheets in hot water.....

  23. Luckily we haven't had to deal with anything like that in our family. And I hope we never do! Eww and what pain to have to get rid of them. I cringe every time we get a letter from the school that there's been a case of head lice.

  24. Gross! Don't know that I'd want those for my boys!

  25. My son would be first in line to buy those!!!
    I'm not so savvy with photo editing, but I think you did great!

  26. Nice PJ's :-)

    Especially the head lice ones!

    There was a head lice outbreak at school, just before the end of the school year. I spent the last two day, I was there, standing up, so that the kids wouldn't lay their heads on my shoulders or against my head. And I itched!!

  27. That is funny, as well. I am sure there is a market for your pJ line, somewhere. ha ha

  28. hehe... intestinal worms.... :)

    i'm cracking up.

  29. I love your mind. Too funny. It is really amazing what a small child can make seem cute!

  30. Bedbugs! I would have burned the house down. The only thing worse is head lice.

  31. it is funny that one gets the itchy's when reading something about creepy crawlers....

    scratch scratch itch itch


  32. OMG - having survived our own lice outbreak 8 years ago, I am just twitching and itching at your post. And I've heard bedbugs are just AWFUL to get rid of ... you definitely have my sympathy. Love that you can approach it with humor though! Wish I had taken that road. I approached it with a total and complete mental breakdown.

  33. Oh no! How horrible!
    Love your designs. Ugh!!

  34. I can't get the image out of my mind!!!!!


  35. I'd love to see some purple jammies with "Toe Jam" or "Belly Button Boogers" ! Ewww! Great Post! Mind-Boggling Pictures! and Awesome Imagination!

  36. Or maybe just a pj set with the words "I'm infectous, stay away!" on them?

    I didn't realize that bed bugs were real until there was an outbreak of them in one of the dorms where I went to college. I was very thankful that it wasn't MY dorm!

  37. I think you did a wonderful job and could sell them on Cafe Press.

  38. Umm, ick. I can't think of anything more profound than that.

  39. OMgosh!! I would of died! WE have been thru the lice thing more than I care to admit, but not the bed bugs!

    Love, yes LOVE those new Pj's! I do think you should make some for real and sell them!

  40. YUCK. I'm getting itchy just thinking about such fasions.

  41. I think you need to move the intestinal worms down a bit lower on the shirt portion of the pj's. That way, they're anatomically correct.

  42. hee hee. you're a riot.

  43. ew, ew, ew! (i'd probably buy some for my nephew) but ew! (i'm not wishing these horrible parasites upon him, but he would like them :) ) lol!

  44. That is so hilarious! The funny thing is, I bet boys that age would LOVE those pajamas!

  45. Very creative! and...nasty!!

  46. eewww gross.. never thought of it that way. Hilarious though about making your own.

  47. Hysterical idea! Sorry to hear about the bed bugs. I can't even imagine what a hassle that must have been.

  48. Ewwww - so sorry about the critters. You are a funny gal though! Happy Sits dayt to you!

  49. Makes me itchy looking at the pj's! But then again, I am a mom of boys, so I can think of lots of things!

  50. Woo hoo! You're in luck! I'm a Photoshopper extraordinaire. Unfortunately, my time and talent is currently and exclusively tending to a project on female p.j.'s with a bacteria theme. Streptococcus is poised to be a real money-maker. So maybe in a few weeks have your people call my people....

  51. EWWW!!!
    And, ohhhhhhhhhh!!! you poor thing!!! I am terrified of bringing bed bugs home, but I love to travel so I know the risk exists.
    Someone once said to get little bowls and fill them with mineral oil and put your bed's feet in them- that will keep the bed bugs from getting into your bed.
    I guess that's worth a try for future avoidance!!
    Good luck!!!

  52. Oh my gosh. Too funny...in a disgusting kind of way...

  53. Do you do wholesale? I'd like to order both in a range of sizes! That's a real money making idea! ;)

    Seriously though, who comes up with crap like that? They should be fired!

  54. I should have heeded the warning. My scalp is itching. My skin is crawling. I easily fall into the psychosomatic syndrome.

  55. LOL!!! Both disturbing and hilarious. Now all I can think of is my grandpa. When I was small he would always tell me "don't let the bed bugs bite". I had no idea they were so horrible.

  56. All I can say is EWWWW!!!
    Weird how things can be cute one second and disgusting the next...

  57. As gross as these are, I swear, some people would buy them! You've got a money maker!

  58. You are a complete riot! I would totally buy a set, just to put my darling daughter in them when we visit the in-laws, so I can say "what do you mean?" when they ask why she is wearing something so gross.

  59. Those are hilariously disgusting!!

  60. That's horrifying! My inlaws recently had to evacuate their massively large home to have it fumigated for bed bugs. ICK. I started itching just thinking about it.

    I always thought bed bugs were just a cute term and had no idea they were REAL!! ICK

  61. see now that's just scary. I'm glad I decided against the gummy tapeworm


  62. I am SO getting those head lice pajamas when you make them... Not.

  63. As a former school teacher I loved the head lice one! Darn I hated those things - and every fall it was the same thing; kid after kid being sent home with head lice. I'd go home and head for the shower and the hot water! Blessings, marlene

  64. WOW, yeah I heard bed bugs are even in most mattresses at hotels.. makes me think twice about even getting a hotel room when travelling.

    I've got an idea for PJ's, fleas not only on your pets but your kids too! Silly designers these days!

    Found you from SITS


Thanks for picking up a ukulele and taking a potshot!